Pages of Interest

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Have You Been Converted Since You Believed?

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                                          Have You Been Converted Since You Believed?

What exactly does the word "Convert" mean?  My Random House dictionary gave me some answers:  1.  To change into a different form.  To transform, to alter into another shape or appearance.  2.  To change from one belief to another.  To change religions.

1 Corinthians 3:15 reminds us: If any person be IN Christ, they become a new creation, old things pass away and all becomes new.

In the Old Testament 1 Samuel chapter 9 we are told How God sent the Prophet Samuel to anoint the first King of Israel.  Saul was searching for his fathers lost donkeys, when his servant suggested that they seek help from the man of God.  As they arrived at the Prophet's dwelling, Samuel told Saul your animals are safe and are now at home, so please join us for a meal.  Samuel brought them to a hall where there were 30 guests waiting and told the cook to give Saul the best portion of meat.  The next day, early as Saul was departing, Samuel asked him to send his servants on ahead because God had a word for him.  Then taking a flask of oil, Samuel poured it over Saul's head and anointed him to be the first king. 

Saul was timid and shy and could not believe God would select him, because he came from a small family and he was the least in his household.  Samuel told him that on his way home, he would meet certain people including a group of prophets with their stringed instruments, flute, tambourine and harp and they would all begin to worship and prophesy and the Spirit of the Lord would change Saul into another man.  Saul was a believer but now he was converted and transformed.

In the New Testament, Acts chapter 9, there was another Saul who loved God and was zealous to protect the Jewish religion and way of life.   Believing he was doing the right thing, he set about to pull Christian men and women from their homes and put them in prison, even killing some.  But suddenly one day, a bright light shone from heaven around him, and he fell to the ground as he heard a voice saying: "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?"  Saul answered, "Who are you Lord?"  Then the Lord said, "I am Jesus whom you are persecuting."  So he trembled and was astonished and said, "Lord, what do you want me to do?"  These very words were Saul's moment of conversion.  

These words are what we need to say every morning and through out the day.   - -    "Lord what do you want me to do?"

After three days, God sent Saul to the home of Ananias and was totally converted as hands were laid on him and he was filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in other tongues.  We know it must have happened here, because Paul told us "I speak in tongues more than you all."

Cornelius an Italian gentile, loved God and gave generously to the poor and prayed to God always.  An angel appeared to him and told him to send for Peter who would tell him words - - Words that would effect a drastic change and conversion.  As Peter began to share words about Jesus with Cornelius and his family, the Holy Spirit fell on all of them and they began to speak in other tongues.  What a splendid conversion experience. 

I am reminded of Lazarus who was dead, resurrected from the Grave by Jesus to new life.  He did not keep his dirty grave clothes but left them in the tomb.  No when Jesus raises us up from spiritual death to spiritual new life, we leave behind all those old things we no longer need.  

Many in our city believe in God - - Honestly, the Bible says even the devil believes and trembles, but those who "ONLY" believe are not born again.  It takes a conversion.  An act of the person's will and desire to request a total complete change where the old life stops and a New Creation emerges. 

As we pray over our city, let us declare according to 1 Corinthians 5:17  Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.  Believe, receive Jesus and become new.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

A new Covenant I Give You

Do This in Remembrance of Me

A new Covenant I Give You

Communion can be taken any time, and many churches enjoy the Lord's supper the first Sunday of the month, while others partake each Sunday.   Our Bible Class at our church has been taking a relaxed communion every Sunday, but today we broke down the reasons as we shared together some bread and grape juice.

Jesus said, a New Covenant I give you.  The word covenant can mean many things.  The making of a covenant can be ratified by eating together, with oaths, often with witnesses, by gifts and by making pillars in remembrance.  There are times when a covenant is made with blood, and this was the Covenant Jesus was speaking of. 

It was His own blood that paved the way for us to enter into eternal life with him.
As often as we eat the bread which represents the broken body of Christ and drink the fruit of the vine, representing his blood that was shed as a sacrifice for sin, we do remember his death until he returns to take us onto himself.

The sacrifice of Jesus on the cross brought us freedom from the curse of the Law and we enjoy a new covenant and the law of love.  We are to love God with all our body, soul and spirit and to love our neighbor as much as we love ourselves.  This is a deep truth and often we must study to realize all it means.

Many people see Jesus still hanging on the cross, bleeding for us, but the good news is that yes he died, but in three days He rose again and is alive for ever more.

Jesus paid for complete deliverance from sin, from addiction, and sickness. 

We must take Jesus down off the cross and understand that on this side of the risen Savior, there is life and not death.  

We must realize that Jesus paid it all, and there is victory for us to walk free.  If we are not experiencing all that Jesus paid for, there is still hope as we lay all our life before Him, holding back nothing, and declaring that we want all that he paid for in his death, burial and resurrection.

There is total freedom on the other side of the cross where the tomb is empty. 

Jesus declared.  Seek for the Holy Spirit and be filled to overflowing and you shall receive power to overcome, power to witness and power to love and live a righteous life in Christ.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Now is the Time to Loose those who are bound.

 To View this Post "It is Time to Loose"

Prior to praying over our city, State and Nation,  this message was brought to encourage our people to work together with heaven to bring about God's Kingdom on earth, by Binding and Loosening.  

Jesus spoke to the man who had been dead for four days by saying:  "Lazarus Come Forth."  Lazarus struggled to walk because he was bound head to toe with grave clothes,  So Jesus spoke again and said:  "Loose him and let him go."

As Jesus began his earthly ministry in John chapter 1  He said, "Truly, Truly I say unto you, From now on you shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man.  Jesus was daily listening to the voice of His Father God.

Notice that Jesus was saying that as he ministered that heaven would be open and the angels would be working along side him and with him to bring about God's plan on this earth.

I am reminded of the Lord's prayer where Jesus prayed, "Your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven."   Here Jesus is saying that was we pray, we are to declare and prophesy for God's kingdom to be established here on earth according to God's perfect plan.

In our Cities, surrounding areas, our States and our Nation, we realize that there is a strong man that first needs to be bound. 

There is a spiritual force not of God that is promoting wickedness as quickly as this force breathes each breath.  The stench of all kinds of addictions, habits, filthy language and immorality is in its nostrils as this strong one takes each fitful gulp of air.

Jesus gave his disciples the keys or secrets to bind and loose, in Matthew chapter 16:19, but it is not enough only to bind but we must also loose God's Kingdom principles here to replace that which has been bound.  We must bring Heaven down to earth to effect an answer to the needy.

Understand that there is
a law of positive and negative forces.  God is a Good God, and the Devil is a Bad devil.  Good and Bad are opposites. 

This is a powerful truth that will cause our prayers to be more effective and that to first bind the problem and then to loose the answer.  Carefully consider the problem, and then allow the Holy Spirit to give you a positive answer to loose in the heavens and to bring it down to this earth over our citizens.  Bind poverty and loose prosperity, bind fear and loose courage and boldness, bind anger and loose calmness,  bind hatred and loose love,  bind terror and loose peace.   Bind death and Loose LIFE.  

The importance of loosening is this:  Luke 11: 24-26  “When the unclean spirit has gone out of a person, it passes through water-less places seeking rest, and finding none it says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when it comes, it finds the house swept and put in order. Then it goes and brings seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they enter and dwell there. And the last state of that person is worse than the first.”   In this case, loosening is to fill up the house with God's Holy Spirit and Jesus.

This is important that the person who has been set free allow Jesus to enter into their spirit and take up residence.  When the unclean spirit tries to return, Jesus will say, NO admittance because I and the Holy Spirit are here now.

We pray that new choices and desires will come.  Change of the desire for darkness and error will become a desire for light and truth.  Our citizens need to have willing minds to accept Jesus and His Holy Spirit to dwell in their lives.  The spiritual houses of men and women must be filled with Jesus and the Holy Spirit in order to stay clean.

We are to loose God's kingdom and all his righteousness over our cities and over our nation.  What ever you prohibit on earth, God and His angels will back you up, and as you declare what you will permit on earth, again it will come from heaven to earth.

These are two powerful keys to answered prayer; binding and loosening, but always do both for one without the other is ludicrous.  It is the loosening that brings forth the miraculous. 

We have been given authority and dominion to speak in Jesus Name, and take down the strongholds of the enemy.  Jesus always walked with heaven open before him so that as he saw opportunity to do good, there was cooperation in heaven to accomplish God's plan. 

So it is with us.  Take up the mantel of an intercessor and as you pray, yes bind the powers of darkness, but also loose the light of His majestic throne that is bringing His kingdom here down to earth to dwell in the hearts bodies and souls of our citizens.

Bind stubbornness and rebellion and loose repentance and willing minds to be able to make right choices to receive Jesus.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Lunch and $5.00 from an Angel ??

Angel  Unawares ??

 My daughter Judie, sent me another letter about her week-end and I think you will enjoy it.

Hi Mom!

I think I am having encounters that are strange but wonderful.  Let me tell you what happened this week end.

Well I went to the swap meet and I did alright but no money miracle ..... but a angel bought me lunch!

I was at Carl Jr's and I was at the counter counting my change to pay for my order, and whoosh out of no-where appeared this man and he said, do you mind if I buy you lunch?

I was stunned because he just materialize .... all of a sudden - -
His face was sweet like Santa Clause; so pure, so I said, "Okay."

I asked the girl what the bathroom code was and the man told me the code and then he stepped out of the way as he seemed to be waiting for his food "to go."

When the server brought me my food she was laughing.  She said the man told her that he wanted her to give me  $5.00 and to tell me:  "You are beautiful."

I asked her, "Did you see him come in or leave?"

She said, "No, it was strange - - like he appeared and then disappeared!"

We looked at each other and both said at once; "I think he was an angel !!!!"

She also said it was weird he knew the code to the bathroom because she had never seen him before!

I really wanted a milk shake so I bought it with the $5.00!

This is starting to get interesting.  Wow, LOL

Love,  Judie

Friday, October 19, 2018

My Daughter Judie's Money Miracle

My Daughter Judie sent me a letter - - -  Wow  

Hi Mom,

Let me tell you about my financial miracle because it involves Joshua Mills.  Remember when you and I attended his conference he gave us each a small rock and asked us to write on it a one word of prophesy for someone and give the rock to another person.  The rock I received said "Prosperity." 
The other day I found the gold rock from the conference and I have been believing for miracles and listening to Joshua's tapes about what God has done for him.

I enjoy selling items at the swap meet and after the last swap meet I was sad because I didn't do as well as I had hoped.  I called my Chuck (my husband) on my phone telling him just that; I was sad.

However when I was counting the money I was surprised to discover I made $600.  WOW and Praise the Lord!  I counted it three times and sure enough it was $600.

And then I saw the gold rock and remembered Joshua telling his wife, Janet to count the money again because he believed God would increase it. I heard a voice in my spirit saying; "Count it again Judie ....."

So I went and counted it again.  I could not keep up with it. The pile of money swelled, I could not count it all.

Very carefully I made piles of $100 each, and the count grew every time I counted, I felt a miracle shift and I wanted someone else to count it because the pile was so huge!
I must have counted it 20 times and the money grew from $600 to $900. I went to get my money orders and sure enough I had $900.

I am having a swap meet again possibly this weekend and I wanted to see if it was a one time miracle or something else.

I'm not sure what to think about all this - - because nothing like this has never happened before, but I really want it to happen again!!!  I just believe!  

Love, Judie

Thursday, October 18, 2018

You are the Light of the World

Edited Message from our Bible Study at Church

Our Bible Study has centered on Jesus being the vine, and we are the branches, and the Father God is the husbandman.

Isaiah 5:1-7 is a prophesy regarding the children of Israel as a vineyard that offers wild grapes of no value.  The husbandman decided to tear down the wall of protection and burn the vineyard and lay it to waste.

Jesus also gave a warning about the branches that did not bear fruit, to be cut off and cast away.

Our subject turned to Keeping the commandments and the new commandment was to love God with all our heart soul and might and our neighbor as ourselves.

The new commandment of Jesus has no darkness as there is only light.

1 John 1:7 says to walk in the light and the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin.

Jesus knows every situation we encounter.  Often we are like lost sheep needing our shepherd, and when he finds us in our lost situation, he rejoices that he has found us.

The branches cannot do anything without the vine.  We are like that since only through Jesus can we accomplish that which he has called us to do.  We must continually abide in the vine and draw our sustenance from Him.

John 15:16  Jesus calls us to himself and tells us that He chose us first and then it is up to us to chose to serve Him.

Jesus also reminded us in Matthew 5:14-16 that we are the light of the world and to allow our light to shine so that others may also receive light.

Proverbs 4:18 reminds us that the path of the just is as a shining light.

All that we need God will provide, yet it is good to be prompted to remember to Ask, Seek and knock and then to receive.  God is always available to give to those who are ready to receive.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Second Class

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An Attitude of being Second Class is a Mind Set and needs a New Identity

Second Class 

Today at our "Praying Over Our City Meeting;" we viewed what it is to feel like a "Second Class Citizen."  Always not being able to reach first place but forever coming up second best in the competition.  

One of my friends likes to use the phrase:  "What am I chopped liver?" She feels she is always second and never first.   Being second hurts but if we can consider that most of us are sitting in the "Economy Seating" while many others are happy just to be there.

I have two dogs; Joy and Baby.  "Joy" was first and when I brought "Baby" home, Joy began to bully her.  Baby was a homeless dog off the streets and she was nervous and anxious and apparently was mistreated in the past.  Baby acts as if she is "Second class," and shies far away when treats are given out.  Although they are happy dogs, there is a spirit of rejection that hovers over my "Second Best" dog and  Joy takes advantage of it.  It is their perceptive of "Who They Are," that governs them.

In the Bible there were many who were not necessarily "Special" or First, but they found their place and ministered from their station in life.  They received their secure identity IN CHRIST as beloved and personal acceptance.   They Knew who they were IN Christ Jesus.

Joseph was one of the younger sons of Jacob, but he was favored and special to his Father.  His older brothers were jealous and not happy when Joseph received a beautiful coat of many colors and they were not given gifts.  The brothers suffered from a spirit of rejection because they did not realize their own potential and self worth to God and family.  They allowed this second rate attitude to cause them to do unspeakable things.

In the New Testament, Philip, Steven, Timothy and Paul did not become part of the elite group of 12 disciples, but they did not allow that to prevent them from following the Lord's plan for their lives.  In their "Second place" they found that more miracles happened in their ministry than is recorded about the privileged 12 followers of Jesus.  They were not competitive and did not allow their personal calling to prevent them from walking in a powerful anointing, as they preached and worked miracles in Jesus Name.

On the Mountain when Jesus was transfigured and Moses and Elijah spoke with him, only Peter, James and John were invited to this unusual meeting.  The other nine disciples were "left out" for some reason, as it seemed Jesus needed a smaller group for this extra special supernatural encounter and view into eternity.  Today, God desires us each one to enter that Secret Place with Him, and He actually wants to make Himself known to you as you enter into His Presence.

Reading from Genesis 16  "Now Sarai, Abram's wife, had borne him no children. She had a female Egyptian servant whose name was Hagar.   And Sarai said to Abram, "Behold now, the LORD has prevented me from bearing children. Go in to my maid servant; it may be that I shall obtain children by her." And Abram listened to the voice of Sarai his wife, and he went in to Hagar the Egyptian, and she conceived. And when Hagar saw that she had conceived, she looked with contempt on her mistress.
Although in pagan times, this was often acceptable to take a second wife when the first was not able to bare children this was not God's plan.  Hagar was second best as was her son Ishmael whom she bore.  God did show favor to Sarah and she conceived in her old age and bore to Abraham a son of promise; Isaac.  As Isaac grew, there became a problem in the household and jealousy by the older "Second Best" son.  As tension mounted, to please Sarah; Abraham cast out the slave woman and her son into the wilderness.  A spirit of rejection followed the two and continues to this day.  The Muslim people feel denied  unwanted, rejected and to justify this, they have created their own 'religion' with their own god.   Yet God is reaching out to them to be reconciled and to embrace Jesus the Messiah.

Today in our city, there are many who perceive themselves as "Second Class Citizens."  As we pray over our city, may we declare that the spirit of "rejection" is broken and that a spirit of acceptance and revelation of God's Love will be poured over our citizens and our families so that they will acknowledge Jesus as Lord.  

Let us pray and voice our anointed pronouncements over our city that our friends, family and citizens will realize that God desires to bring them to a new position of identity and that is: to become a Beloved, blessed and protected child of God held tightly in his arms.Second Class (Wednesday 10/17/18)

Today at our "Praying Over Our City Meeting;" we viewed what it is to feel like a "Second Class Citizen."  Always not being able to reach first place but forever coming up second best in the competition.  One of my friends likes to use the phrase:  "What am I chopped liver?"  She does this as she has always felt she was second or worse.  Being second hurts but if we can consider that most of us are sitting in the "economy seating" while many others are just happy to be there.

I have two dogs; Joy and Baby.  "Joy" was first and when I brought "Baby" home, Joy began to bully her.  Baby was a homeless dog off the streets and she was nervous, anxious and apparently was mistreated in the past.  Baby acts as if she is "Second class," and shies far away when treats are given out.  Although they are usually happy dogs, there is a spirit of rejection that hovers over my "Second Best" dog and  Joy takes advantage of it.  It is their perception of "Who They Are," that governs them.

In the Bible there were many who were not necessarily "Special" or First, but they found their place and ministered from their station in life.  They received their secure identity IN CHRIST as beloved and personal acceptance.   They Knew who they were IN Christ Jesus.

Joseph was one of the younger sons of Jacob, but he was favored and special to his Father.  His older brothers were jealous and not happy when Joseph received a beautiful coat of many colors and they were not given gifts.  The brothers suffered from a spirit of rejection because they did not realize their own potential and self worth to God and family.  They allowed this second rate attitude to cause them to do unspeakable things.

In the New Testament, Philip, Steven, Timothy and Paul did not become part of the elite group of 12 disciples, but they did not allow that to prevent them from following the Lord's plan for their lives.  In their "Second place" they found that more miracles happened in their ministry than is recorded about the privileged 12 followers of Jesus.  They were not competitive and did not allow their personal calling to prevent them from walking in a powerful anointing, as they preached and worked miracles in Jesus Name.

On the mountain when Jesus was transfigured and Moses and Elijah spoke to him, only Peter, James and John were invited to this unusual meeting.  The other nine disciples were "left out: for some reason as it seemed, Jesus needed a smaller group for this extra special supernatural encounter and view into eternity.  Today, God desires us each one to enter that Secret Place with Him, and He actually wants to make Himself personally know to you as you enter into His Presence.

Reading from Genesis 16:  "Now Sarai, Abram's wife, had borne him no children.  She had a female Egyptian servant whose name was Hagar.   And Sarai said to Abram, "Behold now, the LORD has prevented me from bearing children. Go in to my maid servant; it may be that I shall obtain children by her." And Abram listened to the voice of Sarai his wife, and he went in to Hagar the Egyptian, and she conceived. And when Hagar saw that she had conceived, she looked with contempt on her mistress.  

Although in pagan times, this was often acceptable to take a second wife when the first was not able to bare children this was not God's plan.  Hagar was second best as was her son Ishmael whom she bore. 

God did show favor to Sarah and she conceived in her old age and bore to Abraham a son of promise; Isaac.  As Isaac grew, there became a problem in the household and jealousy by the older "Second Best" son.  As tension mounted, to please Sarah; Abraham cast out the slave woman and her son into the wilderness.  A spirit of rejection followed the two and continues to this day.  The Muslim people feel denied  unwanted, rejected and to justify this, they have created their own 'religion' with their own god.   Yet Jehovah God is reaching out to them to be reconciled and to embrace Jesus the Messiah.

Today in our city, there are many who perceive themselves as "Second Class Citizens."  As we pray over our city, may we declare that the spirit of "rejection" is broken and that a spirit of acceptance and revelation of God's Love will be poured over our citizens and our families. 

Let us pray and voice our anointed pronouncements over our city that they will realize that God desires to bring them to a new position of identity and that is: to become a Beloved, blessed and protected child of God held tightly in his arms.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

How Does God Decide Whom He Calls?

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God is not particular, and He is willing to use anyone who comes to him, ready and willing to obey his voice to work in His Kingdom.  Not all have the same job but all are anointed for their specific task and position.


I am reading some selected verses from 1 Corinthians chapter 1:  "Have you noticed, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called:  But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty - - Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men.   For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God." 

Age is not a priority with God.  Samuel in the Old Testament was but a child when his mother brought him to the temple to be the servant of Eli the Priest.  As a young boy just weaned from his mother, Samuel began to hear God's voice.  At first he thought it was the Priest calling his name, but finally Eli realized God wanted to speak to the child and told him to say; "Speak Lord for your servant is listening."

In our busy days, we often get nudges and ideas, not realizing that God is speaking and telling us things to help us.  It would be well if we would give God more credit for these suggestions, and thank Him for showing us a better way to do things.  Perhaps we too can learn to say: "Speak Lord for your servant is listening.  What would you have me to do?  What would you have me to say?"  

Beauty is not a priority with God:  Samuel grew up and became a great prophet in Israel.  On one occasion God told Samuel to go to the house of Jessie because one of his sons was going to be anointed the next king.   As He viewed each young man, he could see they were big, strong, and good looking, so he thought; "Surely it must be this one."  But God said no to every one standing there.  Samuel asked Jessie, is there another son?  Oh yes, there is David, and he tends the sheep and he is only a lad.  You will remember that when they called for David, he was stocky, ruddy looking and not really handsome, but Samuel knew that David was the one God was calling.

Elijah called Elisha, a grown man, to become his servant as he was working his father's oxen in the field.  Often the mantel of someone else might fall on
you if you are willing to be used of God.  Elisha was not only willing but he requested a double portion of the anointing.

Jesus was called from his mother's womb, as are many of you.  But he was age 30 before he began is public ministry.  All that time while growing up, Jesus kept a willing mind and a teachable spirit ready to do what ever his Father God desired of him. 

Rebels are not a problem with God: Saul of Tarsus was a zealot thinking he was doing God a favor by jailing and killing Christians, but God had a plan for Saul.  On the road God called Saul by knocking him off his horse and blinding him for a season.  "Who are you Lord?" said Saul.  "I am Jesus who you are persecuting."   Well now, that was a shock and a turning point as Saul became Paul the great evangelist and minister of Jesus.

Timothy was taught from a young child the scriptures by his mother Lois and his grandmother Eunice.  He became a great help to Paul and others and wrote two of the books in our Bible.

In our city there are many who have been called from their mother's womb to serve Jesus, but because of situations in life, they have not found their way to the cross. 
When God calls, he sees no difference in those he chooses and he is calling today.

Age, beauty, rebellious hearts does not matter to God - - He is calling regardless of their past - - Jesus is calling for those in darkness to come to His light and follow Him.

As we pray over our city, may we prophesy that hearing ears will be opened to receive the truth of the Gospel.  God loves our citizens regardless of their past if it was good or not so good.  He is seeking those who will turn their back on the old walk and follow Jesus for their future. 

For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God onto salvation.  

Understand that God has called you and desires to use you.  He loves you unconditionally - - just because he does - - and without reservations. 

Are you willing to allow Him to show you great and mighty things that may at first seem foolish, but remember the foolishness of God is wiser than we are.

Jesus is saying, come onto me and I will show you that my plans for you are good.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

The Vineyard Bears Fruit

Jesus knew agriculture and horticulture so when He declared in John 15:1-17 that He was the True Vine and you are the branches, he envisioned a Vineyard all producing bountiful and beautiful fruit.  

Jesus understood what it took to produce good wine.  He knew it was important to keep connected to the Vine because those separated would not bare fruit and would need to be pruned and cut off.

Jesus is the Vine and we are the branches, and our Father God is the vine-dresser.

We considered that we are especially to be connected to the "Vine," but in other ways we are also to be "Connected."  

We are not to separate ourselves from our Church and our Christian friends when trouble arises.  At those times we need the prayers and strength of the Body of Christ to sustain us. 

We need to keep "Connected" to our cell groups such as Bible Studies and Bible Classes.  

To stay in fellowship with various support groups because those people will understand your problems and grant you encouragement to press on with Jesus. 

Stay "Connected" with your church and be an active participant in the activities of your church.  

Stay "Connected," with your family and relatives either by visits or by phone.

Jesus said those that the Father has given to him "NO ONE" will be able to pluck them out of his hand.  He continued to say that the Father also holds them in His hands as they clasp hands together and NO ONE will be able to pluck them out of the Father's hands.

Jesus stated that we are clean through the washing and sanctifying of God's Word of Truth, but we are in need of washing our feet as we tread in the dirt of this earth.

Some refer this daily washing; as keeping your accounts caught up to date and never allowing something that is festering you to stay in your heart and mind.  Forgiveness is a life style and Forgiveness is something we must always walk in.

Jesus prayed and told His Father; I always give them the word's I heard first from you.  Jesus was careful to always obey what was being told to him by his Father God.

Let this mind be in you that we listen and obey what the Holy Spirit is saying to us.

Christ became obedient and volunteered to be the sacrifice for our sins.   He is alive and sitting at the Father's right hand in heaven, but by His Holy Spirit he dwells in each and every believer who confesses Jesus as Lord.

Jesus today is saying to us:  "Stay Connected to the True Vine" and stay connected to one another as you bare fruit and become my vineyard.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

How Did Jesus Live?

How Did Jesus Live?

From a child, Jesus had often attended the synagogue with his Mother and Joseph.  At an early age, his questions and conversation with the Scribes and Religious teachers amazed them at his wisdom and understanding.  

Jesus had a quick mind and he was able to memorize scriptures and remember all that he was learning as he studied.  As Jesus became older he was given the opportunity to read the scriptures at the temple on the Sabbath days. 

When Jesus began to minister and teach the people, the Scribes talked among themselves wondering how Jesus could know so much when he had not attended the official Rabbinical school.  They wondered if Jesus had a secret.   Yes He did, it was in the secret place where He met with His Father each day.

Jesus began his day with prayer, and often with fasting as he spent quality time with his Father God.  During this time alone with His Father, he would ask questions, what shall we do this day, and where should I go to minister.  Jesus was always listening to His Father and was ready to obey God's Plans for the day.  This time of communion with God and the Holy Spirit became His strength and anointing by which He was able to miracles, and cast out demons.
Jealousy in the hearts of the Religious leaders caused them to desire to have Jesus killed, but as it was not his time yet, and he would slip away and leave their presence. 

When they accused Jesus of having a devil, he would answer with stories that left them wondering how he could turn the tables on them and accuse them of being of Satan.

Jesus was being recognized by the people as being a prophet, and many called Him Rabbi.  He was Master, teacher and Son of God and the followers realized this truth.
Jesus depended on the Holy Spirit to show him how to teach and who to minister to.  

Jesus told about the vine and branches and fruit and likened himself to being the True Vine and believers were the branches.  However it was necessary to abide in the vine and produce fruit, lest the branch be cut off in pruning.

Our life depends on keeping attached to the Vine and to listen daily as to what the Holy Spirit is revealing to us.  God gives us His Glory as we spend time in his presence.

How do we live our lives?  Jesus is our example.  We must stay in the Word, fellowship with God in praise and worship and listen intently to what we are being told by God's voice.  God loves us the same as He loves Jesus.  We are equal - - not less than and not better than, but loved never the less.  Jesus was loved before the foundation of the world and was knowledgeable of God's plan of Salvation to which He willing subjected himself.

Jesus said, I have known you Father and those you gave me have known that you sent me,  I declared to them your Great Name and I pray your love shown to me will also be in them.

Believe on Jesus, spend time with him, and follow his plans for your life; so that others may by your example come to the truth and find their place to walk with God.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018


This message was given at our meeting; Praying Over Our City to encourage our Prayer Warriors.

     To View "Come onto Me: on YouTube Click HERE

Come Unto Me  - -  Wednesday message 10/03/18

Jesus is speaking here in Matthew 11:28-29  "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  - - Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."

Many years ago, I was speaking with a friend about making changes and coming to Jesus to help him with his alcohol problem.  He said, "Yes, I am ready, would you please phone the rehab and ask them to take me into their program?"  I agreed to make the call, but on the other end of the line, I was told.  The person must desire to enter this program so badly that they themselves must make the phone call, you can't do it for them.   After I relayed this message to my friend, he took the number I offered; but never made the call.

Jesus is saying Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.  That sounds like a pretty good offer to me.  Just taken at face value, it sounds like a "free ride."  but wait, Jesus continued to speak;  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls, your mind, your will and your emotions.

As we examine this last statement, we can see there is some responsibility on our part to take up the yoke of partnership and to learn from Jesus by listening to the Holy Spirit and reading God's Word.

You have heard it said: "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.   

Our wishes and wants cannot take precedence or priority over another person's will.  Each person must be willing come to Jesus for themselves, then they will be taken in.
Oh how we wish we could push their button that creates hunger and thirst and desire.

Each person must hunger and thirst for God.  At this time in many lives, there is NO hunger and NO thirst.  So our prayers and petitions reach heaven asking for hunger and thirst for those lost in the darkness. 
Jesus told a story about a young man who asked his father for his inheritance so he could leave home.  The Father complied, and gave the young man a large sum of money.  Perhaps the young man thought he could begin in a new city and start a business or invest and become rich, but what actually happened was sad.  He met some people who were not really his friends and they helped him party until all his inheritance was gone.  

Now he was too proud to beg, so he searched for work, and the only job available was one feeding the pigs.  He was so hungry, that he often would eat from the pigs food.  One day as he sat in the filth and mire, he "came to himself," and realized that the servants in his father's house were better off than he was.  So he made a decision.  I shall return home and ask my father to allow me to be one of his servants.  To him that made sense but what do you say?  He had forgotten how much his father loved him.  As he returned home, his father saw him while he was a great way off, and ran to embrace him and took him into his loving arms.  The father's words were my son was dead, but now he is alive, so let us rejoice and be glad.

Jesus says in John 6:37  All that the Father gives to me shall come to me; and him that comes to me I will in no wise cast out.

Today as we pray for our citizens who are without Christ, let us use our imagination to see them in the dark muddy mire, but see them beginning to rise up and come out to find Jesus.  Let us speak to dark minds and call light to come to bring truth where there was once error.  Speak to stir up the comfortable nests and bring desire to leave the pig pens of filth.  Speak to cause unrest to push our citizens to become unsettled in their beds of wickedness and instead to create a new desire to throw off the dirty bed covers that seem to keep them warm.

Matthew 4:16 says it this way:  the people who sat in darkness have seen a great light. And for those who lived in the land where death casts its shadow, a light has shined."

Jesus Christ is the Light of the World and he takes into his kingdom all who come to Him.

God has prepared a banquet for those who come to Him.  Today we bind and lose.  We remove and restore. 

God has given us authority to prophesy as we pray.  We speak that blinders will be removed from eyes so that they can see the truth.   We call restoration of minds and wills to desire the pure living water Jesus offers.  We call hunger and thirst into being in the hearts of our citizens so they are able to partake of the provision God places before them. 

We call their tongues be loosened to call upon the Name of Jesus who is the Great and Mighty deliverer and is ready to break the bondage of those in captivity.

Jesus spoke in John 7: 37-39 On the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” But this He spoke concerning the Spirit, whom those believing in Him would receive; for the Holy Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.

Where is the water of Life?  Jesus says, He will place the fountain inside you springing up for it is the Holy Spirit that brings us Life.

Pray for our citizens to hunger and thirst, to desire to turn in repentance and to kneel at the cross of Jesus; Where it all begins - - a New Life and a New beginning in Christ Jesus.

The cross is where our new Life begins, but we must not stop there.  We must go on to the Resurrection and know that Jesus is Alive.  Again we must not stop at the tomb, but we must go on to the Upper Room and seek the Face of Jesus and ask Him to fill us with the Holy Spirit.  

Each day is a new day, and we must come as Jesus calls us to himself, saying: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  - - Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."

We recorded the message live on Facebook:  
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