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Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Now is the Time to Loose those who are bound.

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Prior to praying over our city, State and Nation,  this message was brought to encourage our people to work together with heaven to bring about God's Kingdom on earth, by Binding and Loosening.  

Jesus spoke to the man who had been dead for four days by saying:  "Lazarus Come Forth."  Lazarus struggled to walk because he was bound head to toe with grave clothes,  So Jesus spoke again and said:  "Loose him and let him go."

As Jesus began his earthly ministry in John chapter 1  He said, "Truly, Truly I say unto you, From now on you shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man.  Jesus was daily listening to the voice of His Father God.

Notice that Jesus was saying that as he ministered that heaven would be open and the angels would be working along side him and with him to bring about God's plan on this earth.

I am reminded of the Lord's prayer where Jesus prayed, "Your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven."   Here Jesus is saying that was we pray, we are to declare and prophesy for God's kingdom to be established here on earth according to God's perfect plan.

In our Cities, surrounding areas, our States and our Nation, we realize that there is a strong man that first needs to be bound. 

There is a spiritual force not of God that is promoting wickedness as quickly as this force breathes each breath.  The stench of all kinds of addictions, habits, filthy language and immorality is in its nostrils as this strong one takes each fitful gulp of air.

Jesus gave his disciples the keys or secrets to bind and loose, in Matthew chapter 16:19, but it is not enough only to bind but we must also loose God's Kingdom principles here to replace that which has been bound.  We must bring Heaven down to earth to effect an answer to the needy.

Understand that there is
a law of positive and negative forces.  God is a Good God, and the Devil is a Bad devil.  Good and Bad are opposites. 

This is a powerful truth that will cause our prayers to be more effective and that to first bind the problem and then to loose the answer.  Carefully consider the problem, and then allow the Holy Spirit to give you a positive answer to loose in the heavens and to bring it down to this earth over our citizens.  Bind poverty and loose prosperity, bind fear and loose courage and boldness, bind anger and loose calmness,  bind hatred and loose love,  bind terror and loose peace.   Bind death and Loose LIFE.  

The importance of loosening is this:  Luke 11: 24-26  “When the unclean spirit has gone out of a person, it passes through water-less places seeking rest, and finding none it says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when it comes, it finds the house swept and put in order. Then it goes and brings seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they enter and dwell there. And the last state of that person is worse than the first.”   In this case, loosening is to fill up the house with God's Holy Spirit and Jesus.

This is important that the person who has been set free allow Jesus to enter into their spirit and take up residence.  When the unclean spirit tries to return, Jesus will say, NO admittance because I and the Holy Spirit are here now.

We pray that new choices and desires will come.  Change of the desire for darkness and error will become a desire for light and truth.  Our citizens need to have willing minds to accept Jesus and His Holy Spirit to dwell in their lives.  The spiritual houses of men and women must be filled with Jesus and the Holy Spirit in order to stay clean.

We are to loose God's kingdom and all his righteousness over our cities and over our nation.  What ever you prohibit on earth, God and His angels will back you up, and as you declare what you will permit on earth, again it will come from heaven to earth.

These are two powerful keys to answered prayer; binding and loosening, but always do both for one without the other is ludicrous.  It is the loosening that brings forth the miraculous. 

We have been given authority and dominion to speak in Jesus Name, and take down the strongholds of the enemy.  Jesus always walked with heaven open before him so that as he saw opportunity to do good, there was cooperation in heaven to accomplish God's plan. 

So it is with us.  Take up the mantel of an intercessor and as you pray, yes bind the powers of darkness, but also loose the light of His majestic throne that is bringing His kingdom here down to earth to dwell in the hearts bodies and souls of our citizens.

Bind stubbornness and rebellion and loose repentance and willing minds to be able to make right choices to receive Jesus.

1 comment:

  1. I too am praying for our nation, sister. May God pour out His spirit and open the hearts of the lost. May we confess our sins and may He heal this nation.


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