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Wednesday, October 10, 2018

How Does God Decide Whom He Calls?

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God is not particular, and He is willing to use anyone who comes to him, ready and willing to obey his voice to work in His Kingdom.  Not all have the same job but all are anointed for their specific task and position.


I am reading some selected verses from 1 Corinthians chapter 1:  "Have you noticed, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called:  But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty - - Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men.   For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God." 

Age is not a priority with God.  Samuel in the Old Testament was but a child when his mother brought him to the temple to be the servant of Eli the Priest.  As a young boy just weaned from his mother, Samuel began to hear God's voice.  At first he thought it was the Priest calling his name, but finally Eli realized God wanted to speak to the child and told him to say; "Speak Lord for your servant is listening."

In our busy days, we often get nudges and ideas, not realizing that God is speaking and telling us things to help us.  It would be well if we would give God more credit for these suggestions, and thank Him for showing us a better way to do things.  Perhaps we too can learn to say: "Speak Lord for your servant is listening.  What would you have me to do?  What would you have me to say?"  

Beauty is not a priority with God:  Samuel grew up and became a great prophet in Israel.  On one occasion God told Samuel to go to the house of Jessie because one of his sons was going to be anointed the next king.   As He viewed each young man, he could see they were big, strong, and good looking, so he thought; "Surely it must be this one."  But God said no to every one standing there.  Samuel asked Jessie, is there another son?  Oh yes, there is David, and he tends the sheep and he is only a lad.  You will remember that when they called for David, he was stocky, ruddy looking and not really handsome, but Samuel knew that David was the one God was calling.

Elijah called Elisha, a grown man, to become his servant as he was working his father's oxen in the field.  Often the mantel of someone else might fall on
you if you are willing to be used of God.  Elisha was not only willing but he requested a double portion of the anointing.

Jesus was called from his mother's womb, as are many of you.  But he was age 30 before he began is public ministry.  All that time while growing up, Jesus kept a willing mind and a teachable spirit ready to do what ever his Father God desired of him. 

Rebels are not a problem with God: Saul of Tarsus was a zealot thinking he was doing God a favor by jailing and killing Christians, but God had a plan for Saul.  On the road God called Saul by knocking him off his horse and blinding him for a season.  "Who are you Lord?" said Saul.  "I am Jesus who you are persecuting."   Well now, that was a shock and a turning point as Saul became Paul the great evangelist and minister of Jesus.

Timothy was taught from a young child the scriptures by his mother Lois and his grandmother Eunice.  He became a great help to Paul and others and wrote two of the books in our Bible.

In our city there are many who have been called from their mother's womb to serve Jesus, but because of situations in life, they have not found their way to the cross. 
When God calls, he sees no difference in those he chooses and he is calling today.

Age, beauty, rebellious hearts does not matter to God - - He is calling regardless of their past - - Jesus is calling for those in darkness to come to His light and follow Him.

As we pray over our city, may we prophesy that hearing ears will be opened to receive the truth of the Gospel.  God loves our citizens regardless of their past if it was good or not so good.  He is seeking those who will turn their back on the old walk and follow Jesus for their future. 

For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God onto salvation.  

Understand that God has called you and desires to use you.  He loves you unconditionally - - just because he does - - and without reservations. 

Are you willing to allow Him to show you great and mighty things that may at first seem foolish, but remember the foolishness of God is wiser than we are.

Jesus is saying, come onto me and I will show you that my plans for you are good.

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