Pages of Interest

Thursday, October 4, 2018

How Did Jesus Live?

How Did Jesus Live?

From a child, Jesus had often attended the synagogue with his Mother and Joseph.  At an early age, his questions and conversation with the Scribes and Religious teachers amazed them at his wisdom and understanding.  

Jesus had a quick mind and he was able to memorize scriptures and remember all that he was learning as he studied.  As Jesus became older he was given the opportunity to read the scriptures at the temple on the Sabbath days. 

When Jesus began to minister and teach the people, the Scribes talked among themselves wondering how Jesus could know so much when he had not attended the official Rabbinical school.  They wondered if Jesus had a secret.   Yes He did, it was in the secret place where He met with His Father each day.

Jesus began his day with prayer, and often with fasting as he spent quality time with his Father God.  During this time alone with His Father, he would ask questions, what shall we do this day, and where should I go to minister.  Jesus was always listening to His Father and was ready to obey God's Plans for the day.  This time of communion with God and the Holy Spirit became His strength and anointing by which He was able to miracles, and cast out demons.
Jealousy in the hearts of the Religious leaders caused them to desire to have Jesus killed, but as it was not his time yet, and he would slip away and leave their presence. 

When they accused Jesus of having a devil, he would answer with stories that left them wondering how he could turn the tables on them and accuse them of being of Satan.

Jesus was being recognized by the people as being a prophet, and many called Him Rabbi.  He was Master, teacher and Son of God and the followers realized this truth.
Jesus depended on the Holy Spirit to show him how to teach and who to minister to.  

Jesus told about the vine and branches and fruit and likened himself to being the True Vine and believers were the branches.  However it was necessary to abide in the vine and produce fruit, lest the branch be cut off in pruning.

Our life depends on keeping attached to the Vine and to listen daily as to what the Holy Spirit is revealing to us.  God gives us His Glory as we spend time in his presence.

How do we live our lives?  Jesus is our example.  We must stay in the Word, fellowship with God in praise and worship and listen intently to what we are being told by God's voice.  God loves us the same as He loves Jesus.  We are equal - - not less than and not better than, but loved never the less.  Jesus was loved before the foundation of the world and was knowledgeable of God's plan of Salvation to which He willing subjected himself.

Jesus said, I have known you Father and those you gave me have known that you sent me,  I declared to them your Great Name and I pray your love shown to me will also be in them.

Believe on Jesus, spend time with him, and follow his plans for your life; so that others may by your example come to the truth and find their place to walk with God.

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