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Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Have You Been Converted Since You Believed?

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                                          Have You Been Converted Since You Believed?

What exactly does the word "Convert" mean?  My Random House dictionary gave me some answers:  1.  To change into a different form.  To transform, to alter into another shape or appearance.  2.  To change from one belief to another.  To change religions.

1 Corinthians 3:15 reminds us: If any person be IN Christ, they become a new creation, old things pass away and all becomes new.

In the Old Testament 1 Samuel chapter 9 we are told How God sent the Prophet Samuel to anoint the first King of Israel.  Saul was searching for his fathers lost donkeys, when his servant suggested that they seek help from the man of God.  As they arrived at the Prophet's dwelling, Samuel told Saul your animals are safe and are now at home, so please join us for a meal.  Samuel brought them to a hall where there were 30 guests waiting and told the cook to give Saul the best portion of meat.  The next day, early as Saul was departing, Samuel asked him to send his servants on ahead because God had a word for him.  Then taking a flask of oil, Samuel poured it over Saul's head and anointed him to be the first king. 

Saul was timid and shy and could not believe God would select him, because he came from a small family and he was the least in his household.  Samuel told him that on his way home, he would meet certain people including a group of prophets with their stringed instruments, flute, tambourine and harp and they would all begin to worship and prophesy and the Spirit of the Lord would change Saul into another man.  Saul was a believer but now he was converted and transformed.

In the New Testament, Acts chapter 9, there was another Saul who loved God and was zealous to protect the Jewish religion and way of life.   Believing he was doing the right thing, he set about to pull Christian men and women from their homes and put them in prison, even killing some.  But suddenly one day, a bright light shone from heaven around him, and he fell to the ground as he heard a voice saying: "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?"  Saul answered, "Who are you Lord?"  Then the Lord said, "I am Jesus whom you are persecuting."  So he trembled and was astonished and said, "Lord, what do you want me to do?"  These very words were Saul's moment of conversion.  

These words are what we need to say every morning and through out the day.   - -    "Lord what do you want me to do?"

After three days, God sent Saul to the home of Ananias and was totally converted as hands were laid on him and he was filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in other tongues.  We know it must have happened here, because Paul told us "I speak in tongues more than you all."

Cornelius an Italian gentile, loved God and gave generously to the poor and prayed to God always.  An angel appeared to him and told him to send for Peter who would tell him words - - Words that would effect a drastic change and conversion.  As Peter began to share words about Jesus with Cornelius and his family, the Holy Spirit fell on all of them and they began to speak in other tongues.  What a splendid conversion experience. 

I am reminded of Lazarus who was dead, resurrected from the Grave by Jesus to new life.  He did not keep his dirty grave clothes but left them in the tomb.  No when Jesus raises us up from spiritual death to spiritual new life, we leave behind all those old things we no longer need.  

Many in our city believe in God - - Honestly, the Bible says even the devil believes and trembles, but those who "ONLY" believe are not born again.  It takes a conversion.  An act of the person's will and desire to request a total complete change where the old life stops and a New Creation emerges. 

As we pray over our city, let us declare according to 1 Corinthians 5:17  Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.  Believe, receive Jesus and become new.


  1. Yes, Yes, Yes, I went from a sinner with an empty soul living for myself to a sinner saved by grace, my soul filled with the Spirit,learning to live for the Savior. Love this post, needed reminders there should be a change when we accept Jesus as our Savior. Grant you some grow like a turtle, some like a rabbit but all should grow from where they started. Good one sister, good one.

  2. Amen! It always takes an act of free will to choose.

    Praying for this nation.

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