Pages of Interest

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

The Vineyard Bears Fruit

Jesus knew agriculture and horticulture so when He declared in John 15:1-17 that He was the True Vine and you are the branches, he envisioned a Vineyard all producing bountiful and beautiful fruit.  

Jesus understood what it took to produce good wine.  He knew it was important to keep connected to the Vine because those separated would not bare fruit and would need to be pruned and cut off.

Jesus is the Vine and we are the branches, and our Father God is the vine-dresser.

We considered that we are especially to be connected to the "Vine," but in other ways we are also to be "Connected."  

We are not to separate ourselves from our Church and our Christian friends when trouble arises.  At those times we need the prayers and strength of the Body of Christ to sustain us. 

We need to keep "Connected" to our cell groups such as Bible Studies and Bible Classes.  

To stay in fellowship with various support groups because those people will understand your problems and grant you encouragement to press on with Jesus. 

Stay "Connected" with your church and be an active participant in the activities of your church.  

Stay "Connected," with your family and relatives either by visits or by phone.

Jesus said those that the Father has given to him "NO ONE" will be able to pluck them out of his hand.  He continued to say that the Father also holds them in His hands as they clasp hands together and NO ONE will be able to pluck them out of the Father's hands.

Jesus stated that we are clean through the washing and sanctifying of God's Word of Truth, but we are in need of washing our feet as we tread in the dirt of this earth.

Some refer this daily washing; as keeping your accounts caught up to date and never allowing something that is festering you to stay in your heart and mind.  Forgiveness is a life style and Forgiveness is something we must always walk in.

Jesus prayed and told His Father; I always give them the word's I heard first from you.  Jesus was careful to always obey what was being told to him by his Father God.

Let this mind be in you that we listen and obey what the Holy Spirit is saying to us.

Christ became obedient and volunteered to be the sacrifice for our sins.   He is alive and sitting at the Father's right hand in heaven, but by His Holy Spirit he dwells in each and every believer who confesses Jesus as Lord.

Jesus today is saying to us:  "Stay Connected to the True Vine" and stay connected to one another as you bare fruit and become my vineyard.

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