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Thursday, October 25, 2018

A new Covenant I Give You

Do This in Remembrance of Me

A new Covenant I Give You

Communion can be taken any time, and many churches enjoy the Lord's supper the first Sunday of the month, while others partake each Sunday.   Our Bible Class at our church has been taking a relaxed communion every Sunday, but today we broke down the reasons as we shared together some bread and grape juice.

Jesus said, a New Covenant I give you.  The word covenant can mean many things.  The making of a covenant can be ratified by eating together, with oaths, often with witnesses, by gifts and by making pillars in remembrance.  There are times when a covenant is made with blood, and this was the Covenant Jesus was speaking of. 

It was His own blood that paved the way for us to enter into eternal life with him.
As often as we eat the bread which represents the broken body of Christ and drink the fruit of the vine, representing his blood that was shed as a sacrifice for sin, we do remember his death until he returns to take us onto himself.

The sacrifice of Jesus on the cross brought us freedom from the curse of the Law and we enjoy a new covenant and the law of love.  We are to love God with all our body, soul and spirit and to love our neighbor as much as we love ourselves.  This is a deep truth and often we must study to realize all it means.

Many people see Jesus still hanging on the cross, bleeding for us, but the good news is that yes he died, but in three days He rose again and is alive for ever more.

Jesus paid for complete deliverance from sin, from addiction, and sickness. 

We must take Jesus down off the cross and understand that on this side of the risen Savior, there is life and not death.  

We must realize that Jesus paid it all, and there is victory for us to walk free.  If we are not experiencing all that Jesus paid for, there is still hope as we lay all our life before Him, holding back nothing, and declaring that we want all that he paid for in his death, burial and resurrection.

There is total freedom on the other side of the cross where the tomb is empty. 

Jesus declared.  Seek for the Holy Spirit and be filled to overflowing and you shall receive power to overcome, power to witness and power to love and live a righteous life in Christ.

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