Pages of Interest

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Lunch and $5.00 from an Angel ??

Angel  Unawares ??

 My daughter Judie, sent me another letter about her week-end and I think you will enjoy it.

Hi Mom!

I think I am having encounters that are strange but wonderful.  Let me tell you what happened this week end.

Well I went to the swap meet and I did alright but no money miracle ..... but a angel bought me lunch!

I was at Carl Jr's and I was at the counter counting my change to pay for my order, and whoosh out of no-where appeared this man and he said, do you mind if I buy you lunch?

I was stunned because he just materialize .... all of a sudden - -
His face was sweet like Santa Clause; so pure, so I said, "Okay."

I asked the girl what the bathroom code was and the man told me the code and then he stepped out of the way as he seemed to be waiting for his food "to go."

When the server brought me my food she was laughing.  She said the man told her that he wanted her to give me  $5.00 and to tell me:  "You are beautiful."

I asked her, "Did you see him come in or leave?"

She said, "No, it was strange - - like he appeared and then disappeared!"

We looked at each other and both said at once; "I think he was an angel !!!!"

She also said it was weird he knew the code to the bathroom because she had never seen him before!

I really wanted a milk shake so I bought it with the $5.00!

This is starting to get interesting.  Wow, LOL

Love,  Judie

1 comment:

  1. We never know when we're in the presence of angels. Cool story!


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