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Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Second Class

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An Attitude of being Second Class is a Mind Set and needs a New Identity

Second Class 

Today at our "Praying Over Our City Meeting;" we viewed what it is to feel like a "Second Class Citizen."  Always not being able to reach first place but forever coming up second best in the competition.  

One of my friends likes to use the phrase:  "What am I chopped liver?" She feels she is always second and never first.   Being second hurts but if we can consider that most of us are sitting in the "Economy Seating" while many others are happy just to be there.

I have two dogs; Joy and Baby.  "Joy" was first and when I brought "Baby" home, Joy began to bully her.  Baby was a homeless dog off the streets and she was nervous and anxious and apparently was mistreated in the past.  Baby acts as if she is "Second class," and shies far away when treats are given out.  Although they are happy dogs, there is a spirit of rejection that hovers over my "Second Best" dog and  Joy takes advantage of it.  It is their perceptive of "Who They Are," that governs them.

In the Bible there were many who were not necessarily "Special" or First, but they found their place and ministered from their station in life.  They received their secure identity IN CHRIST as beloved and personal acceptance.   They Knew who they were IN Christ Jesus.

Joseph was one of the younger sons of Jacob, but he was favored and special to his Father.  His older brothers were jealous and not happy when Joseph received a beautiful coat of many colors and they were not given gifts.  The brothers suffered from a spirit of rejection because they did not realize their own potential and self worth to God and family.  They allowed this second rate attitude to cause them to do unspeakable things.

In the New Testament, Philip, Steven, Timothy and Paul did not become part of the elite group of 12 disciples, but they did not allow that to prevent them from following the Lord's plan for their lives.  In their "Second place" they found that more miracles happened in their ministry than is recorded about the privileged 12 followers of Jesus.  They were not competitive and did not allow their personal calling to prevent them from walking in a powerful anointing, as they preached and worked miracles in Jesus Name.

On the Mountain when Jesus was transfigured and Moses and Elijah spoke with him, only Peter, James and John were invited to this unusual meeting.  The other nine disciples were "left out" for some reason, as it seemed Jesus needed a smaller group for this extra special supernatural encounter and view into eternity.  Today, God desires us each one to enter that Secret Place with Him, and He actually wants to make Himself known to you as you enter into His Presence.

Reading from Genesis 16  "Now Sarai, Abram's wife, had borne him no children. She had a female Egyptian servant whose name was Hagar.   And Sarai said to Abram, "Behold now, the LORD has prevented me from bearing children. Go in to my maid servant; it may be that I shall obtain children by her." And Abram listened to the voice of Sarai his wife, and he went in to Hagar the Egyptian, and she conceived. And when Hagar saw that she had conceived, she looked with contempt on her mistress.
Although in pagan times, this was often acceptable to take a second wife when the first was not able to bare children this was not God's plan.  Hagar was second best as was her son Ishmael whom she bore.  God did show favor to Sarah and she conceived in her old age and bore to Abraham a son of promise; Isaac.  As Isaac grew, there became a problem in the household and jealousy by the older "Second Best" son.  As tension mounted, to please Sarah; Abraham cast out the slave woman and her son into the wilderness.  A spirit of rejection followed the two and continues to this day.  The Muslim people feel denied  unwanted, rejected and to justify this, they have created their own 'religion' with their own god.   Yet God is reaching out to them to be reconciled and to embrace Jesus the Messiah.

Today in our city, there are many who perceive themselves as "Second Class Citizens."  As we pray over our city, may we declare that the spirit of "rejection" is broken and that a spirit of acceptance and revelation of God's Love will be poured over our citizens and our families so that they will acknowledge Jesus as Lord.  

Let us pray and voice our anointed pronouncements over our city that our friends, family and citizens will realize that God desires to bring them to a new position of identity and that is: to become a Beloved, blessed and protected child of God held tightly in his arms.Second Class (Wednesday 10/17/18)

Today at our "Praying Over Our City Meeting;" we viewed what it is to feel like a "Second Class Citizen."  Always not being able to reach first place but forever coming up second best in the competition.  One of my friends likes to use the phrase:  "What am I chopped liver?"  She does this as she has always felt she was second or worse.  Being second hurts but if we can consider that most of us are sitting in the "economy seating" while many others are just happy to be there.

I have two dogs; Joy and Baby.  "Joy" was first and when I brought "Baby" home, Joy began to bully her.  Baby was a homeless dog off the streets and she was nervous, anxious and apparently was mistreated in the past.  Baby acts as if she is "Second class," and shies far away when treats are given out.  Although they are usually happy dogs, there is a spirit of rejection that hovers over my "Second Best" dog and  Joy takes advantage of it.  It is their perception of "Who They Are," that governs them.

In the Bible there were many who were not necessarily "Special" or First, but they found their place and ministered from their station in life.  They received their secure identity IN CHRIST as beloved and personal acceptance.   They Knew who they were IN Christ Jesus.

Joseph was one of the younger sons of Jacob, but he was favored and special to his Father.  His older brothers were jealous and not happy when Joseph received a beautiful coat of many colors and they were not given gifts.  The brothers suffered from a spirit of rejection because they did not realize their own potential and self worth to God and family.  They allowed this second rate attitude to cause them to do unspeakable things.

In the New Testament, Philip, Steven, Timothy and Paul did not become part of the elite group of 12 disciples, but they did not allow that to prevent them from following the Lord's plan for their lives.  In their "Second place" they found that more miracles happened in their ministry than is recorded about the privileged 12 followers of Jesus.  They were not competitive and did not allow their personal calling to prevent them from walking in a powerful anointing, as they preached and worked miracles in Jesus Name.

On the mountain when Jesus was transfigured and Moses and Elijah spoke to him, only Peter, James and John were invited to this unusual meeting.  The other nine disciples were "left out: for some reason as it seemed, Jesus needed a smaller group for this extra special supernatural encounter and view into eternity.  Today, God desires us each one to enter that Secret Place with Him, and He actually wants to make Himself personally know to you as you enter into His Presence.

Reading from Genesis 16:  "Now Sarai, Abram's wife, had borne him no children.  She had a female Egyptian servant whose name was Hagar.   And Sarai said to Abram, "Behold now, the LORD has prevented me from bearing children. Go in to my maid servant; it may be that I shall obtain children by her." And Abram listened to the voice of Sarai his wife, and he went in to Hagar the Egyptian, and she conceived. And when Hagar saw that she had conceived, she looked with contempt on her mistress.  

Although in pagan times, this was often acceptable to take a second wife when the first was not able to bare children this was not God's plan.  Hagar was second best as was her son Ishmael whom she bore. 

God did show favor to Sarah and she conceived in her old age and bore to Abraham a son of promise; Isaac.  As Isaac grew, there became a problem in the household and jealousy by the older "Second Best" son.  As tension mounted, to please Sarah; Abraham cast out the slave woman and her son into the wilderness.  A spirit of rejection followed the two and continues to this day.  The Muslim people feel denied  unwanted, rejected and to justify this, they have created their own 'religion' with their own god.   Yet Jehovah God is reaching out to them to be reconciled and to embrace Jesus the Messiah.

Today in our city, there are many who perceive themselves as "Second Class Citizens."  As we pray over our city, may we declare that the spirit of "rejection" is broken and that a spirit of acceptance and revelation of God's Love will be poured over our citizens and our families. 

Let us pray and voice our anointed pronouncements over our city that they will realize that God desires to bring them to a new position of identity and that is: to become a Beloved, blessed and protected child of God held tightly in his arms.

1 comment:

  1. Amen, Hazel! The foot of the Cross is level! There are no second class citizens in God's eyes! It's comforting to be reminded.


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