Showing posts with label Tell Me a True Story Party week of 11/16/15. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tell Me a True Story Party week of 11/16/15. Show all posts

Monday, November 16, 2015

Tell Me A True Story Blog Party - Week of 11/16/15

Reading a True Story
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Let Your Flash Light Shine  (A Very Recent True Story)
The moonless night was dark, and my dog, Luke needed his final walk before being put to bed.  I turned on the porch light, and for a fleeting second had a thought to take my flashlight.  It was the Lord reminding me, but I passed it off (thinking it was me) and said to myself, I will be careful and I think there is enough light from the porch for me to see.

Those were my famous last words (thoughts) as I ventured out into the night.  Wow it was darker than I thought, and I could visualize myself face down on the pavement.  In less than 30 seconds that vision came true as my foot hit a protruding bump put there for the wheel barrel to pass over the curbing.  My body skidded downward; my face and head hit the cement curb, and my breast probably was shielding my ribs from being broken.

I could feel blood pouring down my face and neck and my dog anxiously was trying to help me.  I lay there for a minute attempting to catch my bearings.  I felt around me - - touching a large free standing 12 x 2 inch high electrical outlet.  The Angels kept me from falling on top of that or it would have been bye bye birdie.

Gaining my footing and heading for our mobile, and the bath room; revealed a cut over my eyebrow and scrapes on my face.  A cold water compress was applied and a Band-Aid to keep the blood from hitting my pillow as I joined my sleeping husband. 

Am I okay?  Yes except for skinned knees, cut on forehead, a black eye and bruises showing up after two days.  I am taking aspirin a couple times a day to keep my blood thin.

Now the moral of this true story is:  Always take the Flash Light and let it shine in the dark.  Heed the voice of the Holy Spirit as He whispers so softly that you think it is your own thought.

I was reminded that we live in a darkened world and many out there are without a (flash) LIGHT.  As we hold the Light of Life High, may we speak out and share the true Gospel so that they too may have this everlasting Light of Life if they will only come to Jesus and kneel at the blood stained cross.
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Today is our Son Doctor Steven Moon’s 65th Birthday.  Happy Birthday Steve !

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