Monday, September 15, 2014

Welcome - Week of September 15, 2014 True Stories Party

Boy Reading a True Story
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Although Maria B. Woodworth-Etter was Ill, she ministered to others
Serving God Through Illness  by R.T. Kendall

As you know, it was because of an illness that I first preached the gospel to you. —Galatians 4:13

I turn now to illness and the possibility of service. That means going to work and also doing something for God. After all, there are some people who are chronically ill and work forty hours a week.

Others have problems far more serious; some are bedridden, and others are housebound but can still cope. Obviously Paul, who had an eye problem, kept going since it was because of that reason that he came to the Galatians. God can cause your illness to coalesce with an event, situation, or place wherein you would think, I am actually glad I had that illness, otherwise this wouldn't have happened!

God may use you in His service because of an illness. He may turn you into one of the great intercessors of history. This, therefore, brings me to the subject of illness and spirituality.

We are back to that word intimacy. God wants your company; He loves your company. "Me? I can't preach. I can't play a guitar. I can't compose hymns. He wants me?" Yes. The most insignificant person whom no one has time for, God wants. If this chronic illness is not going to go away, why don't you just say, "Lord, show me what You want"?

Excerpted from The Thorn in the Flesh (Charisma House, 2004).
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You might enjoy a few posts from my Blog “A Joyful Noise”- 

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Beckey said...

Love this! Through out Scripture - God often uses the people the world would think the least likely in order to serve His purpose in BIG ways!

Sharon said...

You know, Hazel, that's a great quote. The first thing that came to my mind when I was reading was that even when we're ill, we can pray! Sometimes when our bodies are weak, God has a way of infusing us with HIS strength in a new and powerful way. Prayer warriors are those who are in deep touch with their need for the Lord. And our need is perhaps never more acute than when we are ailing or physically challenged in some way.