Monday, January 18, 2016

Tell Me A True Story Blog Party - Week of 01/18/16

Grand Dad Reading a True Story

You are invited to enter YOUR True Story at our Blog Party.

Have you tried reading and commenting on a few posts near you?
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My Friend, Arthur Katz a Jew for Christ - A True story
He was extremely vehement, anti-religionist and anti-Christian.  

Our children attended Oakland High School where this Jewish teacher, by the name of Arthur Katz taught classes on history, and practiced his right to freedom of speech.   

One eventful day, Ruth, one of his students handed him a New Testament, and challenged him to read it through.  The teacher accepted the book, and took it with him as he left on a trip to Europe to hitch hike and live as a vagabond for the summer.   

Having nothing better to do, he decided to read the New Testament he had been given.  Art was stunned as the words virtually leaped from the pages striking direct into his heart. 

This cynical and unbelieving atheist was radically apprehended by a God who was actively seeking him.  This encounter with Jesus left him dramatically transformed and filled with the Holy Spirit. 

Returning from his trip to Europe, he sought out a church that was close by to where he lived, and found our church.  He was bubbling and ready to share his salvation experience with all who would listen. 

One of our board members, remarked to me, “He will not last, but will backslide soon.”

I couldn’t believe the negative attitude of my Christian friend, so I spoke up and declared,

“You and I will not allow him to fall and this is what we will do.”  I continued - - -

“Each morning as we prepare to leave for work, at a set hour of the morning we will pray something like this - - Lord, give Art Katz a good day, surround him with your love, and keep his steps from falling.”  My friend the board member, hesitated, but agreed to participate in this short ritual. 

We determined to believe that if two or three agree on earth as touching anything, it will be done.  We continued this short prayer for many months, until we could see that Art was established and strong in the Lord.

Rev. Art Katz, a great scholar, became one of the outstanding Charismatic Evangelists of our day, writing several books and winning many to Christ.  His basic message was of Jesus and the cross.

Art Katz passed away a few years ago, but his messages linger on.  

So, you see my friend, no matter how small it is when the Holy Spirit nudges you to give a blessing, a word, a testimony, a prayer, a book, or perhaps a New Testament to a person or friend, just obey that leading.   

You never know how far reaching your small act of obedience will go in changing the live of not only your friend, but the lives of many others, by the ripple effect !!
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Be sure to encourage your fellow bloggers near you by reading several stories and leaving comments.

Please follow my other blog:  A Joyful Noise by e-mail.


Sharon said...

Hazel, this was a beautiful post! I loved the story of Art's conversion, sorta echoed what happened to Saul/Paul. I thought of him when you said, "radically apprehended by a God who was actively seeking him." The Hound of Heaven, persistent in His pursuit! And then, I love how you determined to pray for this new convert. James tells us that our prayers accomplish much. We just never know how far those ripples travel. But, it's good to know that God took your prayer offerings and added them to the bowl of blessing that He poured out on Art.

There are no "small" acts in the Kingdom of God!


Cheryl said...

What an incredible story, Hazel! I LOVED reading this. Thank you ever so much for sharing with us! Praise God for the dear student who was faithful to the nudge of the precious Holy Spirit!

Ifeoma Samuel said...

Aunt Hazel I love this!This is inspirational and I am sharing this.
Hugs and Blessings to you Aunt Hazel

Joanne Viola said...

Hazel, what an inspirational story. Brings the question to my mind ... What would happen if we all prayed for one person in this manner? I cannot help but wonder the difference it would make in a life & in the world. Again, I am grateful to be here. Blessings!

Saleslady371 said...

It takes faith to believe for someone like that and not agree with the negative words in the air. My youngest was in high school when I joined Moms in Touch. Every Tuesday we prayed for our kids’ counselor known for offering them worldly advice. It was years later, my daughter was off in college and I was invited to a friend’s church service and almost fell off my seat when the praise & worship leader that morning was “the” counselor. Oh, the prayers of the faithful, huh? I loved seeing him praising the Lord with such a heart change.

Unknown said...

I remember that story. That is awesome! It's also a blessing to see the role you've played in our Father's master plan. You are obedient and you and your family are blessed by it.