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Friday, August 17, 2018

In My FATHER'S HOUSE are many mansions.

View on You Tube: In My Father's House Click HERE 

Today's post is from the lesson given at the Praying Over our City meeting

John 14:2  In My FATHER'S HOUSE are many mansions.

Reading from Ephesians chapter 2:5-6  Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;)  And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus: 

Notice this verse is telling us we are seated with Christ in heavenly places spiritually, while we are yet physically here on earth.  (Two places at once.)

Let's take a look at where my Father's House might be.    

Jesus preached about the Kingdom of God, and as we think about it, just where is this Kingdom?   Can it be in heaven and also on earth at the same time?  Located in heaven and also in our hearts?

These questions cause us to consider that heaven is closer to us than we once thought.

Here in our city, we are the County seat, with a court house and a District Attorney to rule.  Our state has a capital building and the Governor of our state lives in the Governor's (__________­­­___) yes a mansion, which is a beautiful enormous home in a lovely neighborhood.   As we think about mansions we usually consider a mansion to be a lovely, large, luxurious and grand palace.

In Washington DC we have the mammoth White House where a lot of business is always going on.  The President has living quarters there, and there are special rooms for meetings, large and small.  There is a huge ball room, and various dining areas.  The President's "mansion" is huge and compartmentalized.  A great amount of things are happening there both public and also secret things.  Some activities are on a 'need to know basis,' even for those in authority.

We can liken The White house to the Father's house, where a LOT of activity is going on.  Many rooms and people perhaps music, chatter, and secret things.

Jesus said He came down from heaven, but he is also in heaven.  John 3:12,13 If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of  heavenly things?  And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven. 

Paul gave us something to think about when in Hebrews chapter 11:
Abraham  looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God. 
Where was this city?  It was both physical and spiritual.  It was the promised land, but also the final resting place.

Paul continued to speak about a country:  (earthly and also heavenly)
Hebrews 11:16  But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city. 

When we think of heaven, usually we consider that Jesus is building us a mansion that will be our final home.  But today let us expand our thoughts to take in not just a building, but God is preparing for us a better country including a whole city.

What is it about the Father's house?  In God's house there are many mansions.   The word house and mansion means place of abode?  Is the Father's house expandable with special meeting places to be alone with Him?  - - perhaps even now as we enter our personal secret place.  In my father's house there are spacious banquet rooms, libraries, spa areas with tubs and oils.  - - and we haven't even gone outside to explored a bit.

We are meeting to pray over our city.  May we consider that God is preparing for us to take a "city," my city, and of course YOUR city for Him.  Let us expand that and realize he is also promising us a country - - - which can and should include our county, our state and our Nation.

1 comment:

  1. As often as I've read that passage, I missed that word; "country". The place where we will abide is going to be endless I think. Thanks for helping me see it!


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