Pages of Interest

Friday, August 17, 2018

Cast your Care

This edited post is from my notes during our Sunday Bible Study.  Linda and Donald were co-teaching.

1Peter 5:6-7  Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:  Casting all your care upon him; for he cares for you. 

Our Bible study opened with Donald bringing a review of John 14 when Jesus told his disciples not to be troubled or anxious.

Jesus had just told them he was going away, and they were confused not knowing where he was going and why they could not go with him.

They wanted to follow Jesus, but they didn't know where he was going.   Jesus said, I go to my Father and we are one.  No one comes to the Father except through me.  Jesus said, I am the way to the Father.

He gave them encouraging words saying, "In my Father's house are many mansions, if it were not so, I would have told you.  Jesus said, he was going to prepare a place for them, but He would return and take them onto himself. 

Jesus came to reveal His Father, and the disciples asked, "show us the Father." Jesus continued and said, "We shall make our abode with you and in you. 
He that believes in me shall do the works that I do and even greater works, because I go to the Father."

Jesus continued; "I am in the Father and He is in me, and the Father who dwells in me does the works.  Jesus listened to the Father's voice and then did what he heard. 

Jesus made available healing of all types:  Spiritual, physical Health, our minds and our Decisions, of demons, of emotions, relationships; You are my healer, my all in all.

We too much develop our inward listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit.  

We ask, "How can we know and believe?  Translated this means to accept, agree, and confirm what the Bible is telling us.  Our hearts will be quickened with joy as we receive truth.

Jesus said, "Let your heart not be troubled, because I will not leave you comfortless, because I will send the Holy Spirit soon to be your comforter.

Jesus says, come follow me.  Are you on the pathway to follow Christ?  If not perhaps you need to make a change in direction.  You have a choice and when you chose to follow Jesus you are never alone.  He is with you always and brings you peace.

1 comment:

  1. And indeed His prophecy came true; all the people that have come to know Him through the people He's called. It's a miraculous work of His spirit in His chosen.


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