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Saturday, August 11, 2018

God is Always Available

From my notes I present a digested Sunday Morning Sermon

Pastor acknowledged that we are in the Glory Cloud and miracles happen in the presence of God.
Zero in on God and do not pay attention to things going on about you.  We must come into an understanding of what God means when he says, "I am the Same yesterday, today and tomorrow.

We can stand on the scriptures Psalms 46:1 HCSB "God is our refuge and strength a helper who is always found in times of trouble.  We will not fear even when mountains shake or waters roar with turmoil."

Our hope is in Christ.  The world is in fear and doubt, but as believers we have Hope and our trust is placed in Jesus who delivers us from destruction.

Psalms 46:4,6  There is a River - it's streams delight the city.  Nations rage, kingdoms topple, the earth melts when He lifts His voice.

God's voice vibrates and moves situations.  He is always available for me and you as we come to Him with our need.  

declare that God will bring you through in victory.

We are talking about our daily struggle, to be lifted up above the trouble, as we quiet down and get still before God.

Ps 46:10 Be still and know that I am God, who is exalted among the Nations exalted on the earth above all else. 

At times we go through the motions, because it is expected, but we are doing this in our own power.
On the quick side is when we yield to the Holy spirit and allow Him to go before us as we follow.

We get ahead and think God should follow us.  Truth is; we must trust and depend only on Him.   Not performance, but his perfection.  In him will I trust for He is my refuge.

God is not insane.  He says things that seem impossible, but He is God of the possibility.  God's weakness is stronger than our might.  This is why we must allow Him to work in our life.

All is not lost.  That what you can "SEE" into the Spirit is able to manifest in the Natural, as we reach out in faith.  See it done.  God is at work now. 

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful and encouraging post. God is not bound by the laws that He created for us in this physical world. There is no such thing as "unexplained phenomenon".

    Thanks for the reminder.


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