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Saturday, August 11, 2018

Speak the good things that you are IN Christ.

 This post is from my notes as our teacher ministered the Bible Lesson

Spiritual Warfare - Art

As our Bible Study began, our teacher reminded us to acknowledge every good thing in you which is in Christ.

Philemon 1:6 That the communication of your faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus. 

When Jesus ascended into heaven, He sent the Holy Spirit to be our comforter, to empower us to serve, and to instill in us gifts to use to help others.

The spiritual world is unseen with our physical eyes, but there are battles going on all the time.  There is Spiritual warfare that attacks our minds with doubt and unbelief.

As we speak out we will be building up our faith as we say words, such as "I shall not fear for God is with me,"  "I am the Righteousness of God In Christ."  "I have peace in every situation, because I have received the gift of peace and assurance that God is at work behind the scenes," 

It is good to write out the scriptures and keep them with us to verbally make our confession for victory.  They will constantly remind us that Healing is ours, Happiness is ours, and we shall Prosper and have Good Success.

Our enemy the devil uses people for his purpose and he has influence over people and cultures in the spirit realm.  Satan is a liar, a thief, a murderer and he uses others to attempt to destroy people, nations and you and me.  Jesus has given us authority in Christ to defeat our enemy the devil. 

As we acknowledge all we are In Christ, and our "New Man Person," becomes real to us in our heart not just our head, we can overcome satan by using our words, saying the scriptures and the Name of Jesus and pleading The blood of Christ which is all powerful.

Revelations 12:11 "They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb."  We overcome the attacks of the enemy by holding onto our Faith in Christ and standing Fast in the Liberty of which we have been set free.

1 Corinthians 12 reminds us that we have powerful spiritual gifts to use in our walk with Christ: Discernment using the Word of wisdom, the Word of Knowledge, special faith, gifts of healing, working of miracles; prophecy, seeing into the spiritual world, divers kinds of tongues, and interpretation of tongues. 

Our teacher cautioned us to take heed not to teach fables and be caught up in endless genealogies which do not edify us or others.   Fear God and walk humbly before Him.

Remember the words of Jesus who gives us His grace, His mercy and discernment so that we can walk worthy of our calling, and reach out to bless others.

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