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Saturday, August 18, 2018

Become a Giant Killer

Pastor was ministering as I took notes and present for you an edited sermon:

When we were kids, church was done with Bible Stories, learning Bible Verses and motion songs.  We did learn the pieces of the spiritual armor, but we did not learn about actual spiritual warfare.

There is an enemy and it is the "strong man" against you.  We are called to be soldiers where we are in life. 

As a shepherd boy, David came to bring his soldier brothers some lunch.  As he approached the Israelite men, there came out a Giant from the Philistines to taunt and mock the children of Israel.  He declared, send one of your men to fight me and who ever wins with be the victor. 

Pastor had two of our men come to the front, one a large tall fellow and the other gentleman much shorter.  On the wall extremely high up was a black tape signifying the height of the giant, quite a bit taller than either of these men.

Righteous anger rose up in David and he declared, "With God's help, I will fight this giant."  His brother's laughed at David, but he paid them no mind.  The King heard about David's words and called for him offering his personal armor for David to wear.  David thanked the king, but said he hadn't proved the Kings armor, so he would simply do what he knew best and what was familiar to him.

We as soldiers of God, can't hide behind the banner of the King's armor.  We need to equip ourselves with the spiritual gifts God has given to those who have been baptized with the Holy Spirit.  Discernment, prophesy, words of knowledge and words of wisdom, special faith, healing and miracles, tongues used as a prayer language are ours to use with boldness.  

David had confidence in His God as he picked up five of small stones.  Only one stone was needed to hit the giant in the small opening of his helmet.  David had no sword, but as he ran to the fallen giant, he grabbed the enemies own sword and cut off his head.  Well, is that enough violence for you?  In this case it was necessary and there are times when our war gets violent in some ways. (not to kill or murder of course.)

Our giants are works of the flesh and attacks to our mind and our way of thinking.  We shall overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and with our words.

David used a tool that was familiar to him.  We too must become familiar with the spiritual gifts and tools available to us.  Allow God to show you step by step how to advance.

Many things in our families have been passed down to enslave us.  Substance abuse has plagued many families.  The Giant curse continues to be passed down.  We have a lot of homeless friends.  Not every homeless person is our friend - -yet.

Why are they homeless?  Society tells you it is hopeless.  That is the Giant telling you, "All is lost, you might as well give up and medicate some more."

The truth is the real answer has been rejected by the majority.  The answer is the mighty King of Kings Jesus Christ who desires to make His abode in you.  With His strength to change you to become a new person.

David was the youngest, the least and not even a soldier, only a keeper of the sheep; but in his solitude, he worshiped and found God was real and able to work through him.  Inside he was a Giant Killer, able to do exploits.

When I first began in the ministry, I had to figure out who I was in Christ.  I wasn't called to imitate famous preachers, to find the tone and expertise. God showed me, I had to be me and allow God to anoint me to be the one He could use.  The bottom line is be yourself, but depend on Jesus in you.  

Yes, we have a real enemy, he wants to defeat you, keep you down and depressed, but inside you is the Holy Spirit the real Giant Killer.  Realize you are forgiven for your poor choices in the past.  The question is: Does God know all about you, and does He hold it against you? 

God knows your struggle, but come to him and if needs be, repent and pick up your sling shot and the tools he gives you to live a walk worthy of you. 

What is your calling,  your mission?  Find a need and fill it.  Just do what your hand finds to do and do it to the best of your ability.

Understand who you are in Christ and you don't need to wear someone else's armor.
God works in interesting ways, not always the same. 

Be open to what He shows you and be willing to obey as the Holy Spirit guides.

1 comment:

  1. Encouraging message. We see in the flesh, and while our senses are a miracle of God's design, we can know, due to His spirit in us, that there is a bigger unseen spiritual world that He controls.

    Excellent thoughts.


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