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Monday, March 7, 2016

Tell Me a True Story Blog Party - Week of 03/07/16

Grandmother Reading a True Story
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Ain’t Got No Mama! 
She viewed me coming down the aisle to pick up my repaired hearing aid.  “Come into my office,” said my friend, the middle aged, Hearing Specialist.  

I noticed she was fidgeting with a lonely button and a sewing kit, as she explained.  “I just purchased this sweater vest, and a minute ago one of the buttons fell off.  I can’t get one of the needles threaded to fix it.” 

Restlessly she opened the sewing kit and moved about the many needles inside a small box.  Almost frantically she said, “Is this the needle threader?  I can’t make it work.” 

As I reached out to select a needle, she handed me the threading gadget. 

Carefully, I inserted the threader into the eye of the needle, and showed her how to pass the thread through and then gently pull it into the needle.   

Quickly I picked up the button and proceeded to reattach it to her sweater.

“You need your mama,” I said to her. 

Her response surprised me when she replied; “Hazel I never had a mama.  My birth mother did not want me or my sister, so my grandma raised us our early years, and she was mean to us.  Later I went to live with my dad, and my step mother was uncaring and hateful to me.” 

I answered, “So you did not have a mother figure to be a good role model and to show you love?” 

She replied, “That is true.”

I told her, “Well, I love you,” as I reached out and gave her a hug, and she hugged back. 

As she handed me my package, she said, “Those three women really missed out, because I have gone on to make something of myself, and I am also proud of my adult children.” 

In life not all children are fortunate to have a good relationship with their mother, (or their father) even those still living at home.   

I think back at the many times I failed as a mother to be patient and kind to my own children.  Today, I am thankful that my children have forgiven me. 

Jesus gave explicit instructions about children and those who abuse and harm the little ones.  He said, “It would be better that a millstone was hanged around their neck and they were cast into the sea.” 

Now that seems a bit harsh, but Jesus did not take kindly to the mistreatment of children.  

Paul instructed Fathers not to tease and aggravate their children and cause them to be angry.   

Ephesians  6:4  And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.  

I am reminded that Paul also said children were to obey and honor their parents, and give them respect. 

How is everything at your home this day?

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  1. Hi Aunt Hazel, I am grateful for you. I always look for to join you and reading your true stories.
    I always as the Lord to grant me a heart of compassion towards my daughter and other kids in ministry.
    Thanks for the linkup today.

  2. Hi Aunt Hazel, I am grateful for you. I always look for to join you and reading your true stories.
    I always as the Lord to grant me a heart of compassion towards my daughter and other kids in ministry.
    Thanks for the linkup today.

  3. It is so true, Hazel. Some days children can try every ounce of our patience. May our God help us to be loving and patient. And I am so grateful for His grace which has covered the many days I fell short. Blessings!

  4. Hazel, I'm so glad you gave that girl some of your love. It sounds like she needed to be reassured that she was loved and worthwhile.
    Yes, I, too, have failed my children at times--too often. I just hope they know how much I love them.

  5. This one really grabbed my heart. It's really the little things that sometimes show the biggest part of who we are. So glad that you're heart is full of the Love of our Father. I also appreciate your humility, Hazel. I too see my many failings as a parent, but never cease in trying and praying. Thanks again for your example and wisdom.


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