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Monday, February 29, 2016

Tell Me a True Story Blog Party - Week of 02/29/16

Writing a True Story
You are invited to enter YOUR True Story at our Blog Party.

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Boarding School - A True Story
"What am I going to do with you?" My harsh voice struck out to our youngest daughter.

Having changed her classes, when she claimed she did not like them, now she was failing in all her subjects, and I was at a loss.

Our older children had all graduated from High School with good grades and I was puzzled as what to do next with our "baby."

It was well into the beginning of her senior year in High School, we needed to do something quick so  she could catch up and graduate.

Our church had just welcomed a special guest missionary speaker who mentioned that their children were living at a boarding school several miles down the coast from us.  This Christian school was lodging the children of other missionaries, and also students who needed help scholastically.

Our daughter offered a suggestion, “Why don’t you send me to Watsonville to that Christian school down there?”

I replied, “That might be a good idea, but I don’t know if they will take you since the school year has already begun - - However I will phone them and ask.”

The lady who answered the phone was very positive and she urged me to pack a suitcase and bring our daughter on down.

Arriving after a nice drive along the scenic route, we were given a tour of the campus and the dorms. Each room had two single beds with a bathroom that was connected to an adjoining room.

We signed the paper work and paid for one month and giving Judie a hug, we said our good byes and left. As we drove away we could see her standing there like a lost child.
School went well for her.  After the evening meal, each dorm was on "lock up" until the students in that dorm completed their homework assignments. Judie was the last one to finish her homework. “Let us help you” all the girls chimed in, and our daughter agreed.

It did not take long for her to be voted class president and to adjust to the discipline at the school. I believe she benefited from the structure of order and that probably is why she adapted so well to the Air Force which she later joined.

The months quickly rolled by and when she proudly graduated from High School, and it was with honors.

Monte Vista Christian school and the personal attention they offered, gave her the confidence to believe that she could excel.

Today she holds several degrees from college and also a Masters degree.

Something was missing in me to encourage her, but with new surroundings and God’s help, she discovered hidden abilities within herself.

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  1. What an interesting and inspiring story, Hazel. I like that your daughter also recognized the difficulty she was having, and was open to doing something about it. That does indeed testify to the power of your encouragement in her life!

    Sometimes a change of perspective is all we need to *fix* a situation in our lives. And God has a way of directing us to the right place - whether it be a physical or emotional or spiritual place - the exact place we need to be for Him to do His work.

    Congrats on raising a daughter to be proud of.

    Might we all work on being the kind of *kids* that God is proud of, too!!


  2. I remember that time. I felt sad when she went to Watsonville, because I missed my friend. I thought to myself. she is lucky to be able to go to a Christian School. It was nice though, because I remember Donna and I taking a trip to visit her. Judy

  3. I am so happy reading your daughter's story. Thank God for all the support she got from the wonderful group of loving friends.
    God bless Aunt Hazel

  4. Wonderful story, Hazel. May we be wise as parents, & grandparents, to recognize our children have different bents. Your daughter developed as you honored her uniqueness. May we all learn from your example. Blessings!

  5. Love this story of success. What you offered as a parent was open mindedness. We had to do that with our oldest in 3rd grade. Math just didn't compute but we learned of a tutor at the school who only after one semester fixed the problem by presenting the teaching in a different, more creative way. She had no problem after that.

  6. I know the struggles. After years of struggle our youngest has finally come around. Took a ton of discipline, perseverance, tutors and prayer and she too has come around.

    So glad to hear and be encouraged by the story of your daughter. I'm proud for you!


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