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Monday, March 14, 2016

Tell Me a True Story Blog Party - Week of 03/14/16

Reading a True Story to Little Sister
You are invited to enter YOUR True Story at our Blog Party. 

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Asking Permission  (A true Story)

 There was a step that Robert was not anxious to go forward with, but it needed to be done.   

He had to ask my father’s permission to marry me.   

Prior to coming to this point there was someone else that he needed to ask permission.  He needed to ask my Heavenly Father if he could marry me. 

It seemed like he was gone a long time as he went into the church to pray.  I waited in the car for him to come back. 

Soon he returned with a look of joy on his face.  He said to me, “I told God I was willing to give you up, if it was not His will, but God said, I can have you.”   

I don’t know why I hadn’t prayed about this.  Probably because I just took it for granted that God had brought me Robert, and that was it. 

Now it was time for Robert to face my earthly father.  My dad had already told me that he could probably get Bobby a job on the railroad, which would be a steady income instead of the sporadic roofing work he was doing.  In those days we called him Bobby. 

I told Bobby, please be kind but refuse to accept the railroad job, because it would mean working evenings and Sundays and missing church. 

All went well, and my Dad was happy to have Bobby take me off his hands.   He agreed to walk me down the aisle and to help with the finances for the wedding.

The first few years for Bobby and I, was a financial struggle.  I remember once borrowing a dollar from my mother so I could purchase some hamburger.  I was so embarrassed when I paid her back that I vowed never to ask my parents for money again. 

Bob went through the roofing apprentice program, and took what ever work was available.   

Some of the older roofers knew Bob would hold his own and carry them too, by taking the most of the work; so they would request that he also be hired.   

One of the contractors noticed how fast and experienced Bob was and offered him a permanent job.  When it rained, they did repairs or worked on the boss’s cabin. 

Later his boss helped us go into business for ourselves and times were not always easy but God was our partner and supplier. 

As you approach new decisions in life, it is a good thing to ask your Heavenly Father’s permission and direction, then follow the steps he desires you to take.
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  1. Very cute story of your's and Robert's early days! Yes, good idea to ask Father God's permission for every step!

  2. What a great story, and a much needed reminder for our family that God will indeed be our partner and supplier if we look to Him. It's so true. For Jenny and I, God truly is pulling our family through, and walking with us, one day at a time.

    Thank you for the reminder of His faithfulness!

  3. What a romantic and precious story about you and Robert! I like that old tradition of asking for a father's permission to marry his daughter. And yes, it's even better that the Heavenly Father was consulted!!

    We must never presume to act on our own, but to always consult the Lord for every decision. As that wonderful Bible verse says, we may make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.


  4. You know I love that story. What a blessing, and I kind of agree with you; sometimes we just already know. Not a bad thing. A gift thing.


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