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Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Living Water for a Dry Thirsty Land

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Living Water for a Dry and Thirsty Land - (Message by Hazel given at Praying Over our City meeting)

As we consider praying over our City, our State and our Nation, I am reminded of several places in God's Word that it speaks of thirst.  Jesus said; "Those who hunger and thirst after righteousness shall be satisfied."

David muses in Psalms 63: 1 "O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water."  (Focus on Jesus and bring his glory and refreshing to our city as you pray today.)

The prophet declares in: Isaiah 44:3  For I will pour water upon him that is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground: I will pour my spirit upon your children, and my blessing upon your offspring:

In the Old Testament, King Saul knew of David when he defeated the Giant, and the people heard David sing and play his harp onto the Lord.  Saul called for David to come play and sing when he was sad and depressed,  but he noticed how the people seemed to like David.  A wicked spirit of jealousy arose in the kings heart and he tried on two occasions to throw a spear at David and kill him.  David fled for his life, and gathered onto himself certain soldiers and followers as Saul tried to find him and cause him harm.

On one occasion after a tire-some journey, David was thirsty and longed for a drink saying, "Oh if only I could have a drink from the well in Bethlehem near the gate, and his men heard him.  As the story goes, Three of his valiant men risked their lives to get some of that thirst quenching water, but when they presented it to David, he could not drink it, but poured it out as an offering to God.  David considered to drink the water would be like drinking the blood of these men and he could not do it.

On the cross Jesus said, "I thirst," and they offered him vinegar to ease his pain, but he refused it and instead chose to suffer for you and me.

Jesus told the people, if you give a cup of cold water to someone in my name, it is as if you did it for me.

I am reminded of a story Jesus told of a rich man and poor Lazarus.  They both died, and Lazarus was safe and secure in Paradise, but the rich man was suffering in the fires of hell.  The rich man lifting up his eyes, could see Lazarus and he cried out, Oh that I might have a drop of water to quench my thirst in this terrible place.  

God said to him, it is not possible for one to go back and forth, but in life you had your good times and Lazarus his suffering, and now it is all set.  All of a sudden the rich man remembered his brothers and knew they were heading for this hot place.  Please send Lazarus back to tell my family to repent and not come here.  God replied,  If they don't pay attention to the prophets on earth, they will not listen to one who comes back from the dead.

Jesus rose from the dead and is now alive for evermore, and he offers living water to all who thirst.  It is a wise person who will listen to the prophets who walk the earth today and come and receive salvation at the cross of Jesus where the living water flows.
John 4: Jesus answered the woman at the well, "Whosoever drinks of this water shall thirst again: But whosoever drinks of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.

Today as we pray over our city, may we understand that many of our citizens are thirsty for the living water, and Jesus is the one who can satisfy their longing.  We pray for hard hearts to be softened, spiritual eyes and ears to be opened and understanding to come that Jesus is the Answer to all of Life's needs.

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