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Friday, August 31, 2018

Let us Go Up

    Digest Message from my notes as Pastor was ministering on Sunday

Our Pastor was teaching from Numbers chapter 13:  The Children of Israel had arrived at the promised land, and now it was time to go up and take the country.

First Moses chose 12 leaders (a representative from each tribe) to spy out the land and bring back a report on their findings.  "Go and see if the land is fruitful, god or bad and tell us about the land and the people.

At the brook Eshcol, they cut down a huge cluster of grapes, too large so that two had to carry it upon a staff;    and they brought of the pomegranates, and of the figs.

After 40 days searching and exploring, they returned saying; sure the land flows with milk and honey and this is a sample of their fruit. . . . never the less, the people are strong and the cities are walled and great and the people there are like huge giants.

Caleb stilled the people by saying, "We are able, let us go up for we shall overcome."  But the other 10 withstood Caleb and said, "No we are NOT able, because we saw the giants, and they brought an evil report.  And the people listened to the bad report and were afraid.

We overcome first in the Spirit and with our attitude knowing God will assist us to overcome the evil report that looms so large over us and the situations in front of our eyes, and we say, "I see the giants."

Let us understand that God is working in the back grounds in the details, behind the scenes.  Open up your eyes and see the fruit and believe the good report. "God is Able."

Is your marriage shaking?  God will help you both to reconcile and each make adjustments to learn to please one another instead of desiring your own way.  

It is the same with things of the Kingdom.  We rise up in rebellion, but God is urging us to give up control and pay attention to His will and plans.

Joshua, Caleb and Moses tore their clothes saying; "Do not be rebellious against the Lord, neither fear the people, for they are bread to us and their defense is departed and they are actually fearful of us !!

But the congregation would not heed them and took up stones to kill them.

God was not pleased and He took account of their rebellion. 

Understand, God is slow to anger and He is desirous that our respect and honor for Him and His Word, will cause us to adjust our lives to come into conformative with His purpose.

Be like Caleb, Joshua and Moses and heed the good report and be ready to go up and take the promises God has given you.

1 comment:

  1. "If God is for us, who can be against us?"

    The world looks through the eyes of this lowly flesh. Those that know God know that the power of the motion behind this cosmos is Him. No mere created flesh can stand against the hand of God that powers the sun.


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