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Thursday, September 27, 2018

Forgive to be Forgiven

Forgive to be Forgiven

Our Bible Study at Church centered around Forgiveness as I took notes and present an edited message.
Matthew 18:21-35 The disciples asked Jesus "How often should we forgive?  Perhaps seven times?  Jesus answered, Not seven times, but seventy times seven would be the truth.  

Then Jesus told the parable about the King who reviewed his accounts of those who owed him, and demanded payment of one of his servants.  Since the man had nothing to make the large payment, the king demanded the man and his wife and children be sold as slaves so the debt could be paid. 

The man wept and begged the king not to do this, and the King was moved with compassion and forgave the man his debt. 

Soon after the man remembered a fellow servant who owed him some money and cast the man into prison.  When the King learned of the unjust servant's  unkind and wicked action toward a fellow servant, the king  said, I forgave you, and your should have forgiven others, now you shall be turned over to the tormentors.  The man paid dearly for his un-forgiveness.

Forgiveness is a spiritual gift from God to you, and in receiving God's forgiveness we ought to forgive others.

As Jesus hung on the cross of shame, he cried out, "Father forgive them because they don't know what they are doing."

I shared a time when a family member showed me disrespect and the verse came to mind, vengeance is mine and I will repay says God.  God asked me,  "Do you want me to get them for you?"  Immediately, I said, NO please do not hurt them in any way, because I forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing.  It was time to let it go so I did and prayed that they be blessed.

When you are betrayed, hurt or sinned against, it is not time to "Pay Back."  It is understandable that you may be upset and angry - - but allow yourself to settle down and realize the person is not your enemy, but Satan is the enemy and he is the one who motivated them to do the wrong toward you.

In life we have choices everyday, and we are to chose to forgive.  Yes, there are times we need to work through situations, and other times we need to quietly sit and talk without judgment and gain understanding. The person may have a distorted view and be willing to consider your point of view and possibly change their opinion.

Allow God to bring direction and wisdom to you in all your state of affairs so that you will be able to live in peace and calmness.

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