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Wednesday, September 26, 2018

A Wandering Mind will Fantasize

To View "A Wondering Mind" on YouTube Click HERE

A Wandering Mind will Fantasize  by Hazel Moon at our Praying Over our city Meeting.

As we gather to pray over our families, our city, State and Nation, may we be encouraged to continue to intercede because God is working.  Today I desire to consider our minds and the minds of our citizens and how they often wander. 

The Children of Israel wandered in the wilderness for 40 years because of their refusal to believe the messengers of truth.  The promises were all in their favor, but instead they Fantasized a picture of failure and defeat.  In their minds they saw the enemy as too big to overcome instead of realizing everything ahead of them was success and that God was on their side - - and they believed the evil report.

Imagination can be both good or bad.  As we pray over our city, we must be able to SEE with our Spiritual eyes into the land of failure and defeat and take a positive VIEW of our citizens - seeing them as ABLE to stand tall, strong.  To see them able to turn their backs on the old ways, and to acknowledge Jesus as their deliverer and King.

Luke 7:31-32  Jesus asked:  "To what can I compare the people of this generation?" Jesus asked. "How can I describe them?   They are like children playing a game in the public square. They complain to their friends, We played wedding songs, and you didn't dance, so we played funeral songs, and you didn't weep.'

What does the word Fantasize mean?  It can mean to: Daydream, visualize, let your imagination run wild, romanticize, invent an event, re-live a happening and try to change it,  make believe, pretend, look forward to and expect something different.  Fantasy is a state of being somewhere else in their mind.

Fantasizing happens only in our minds, it is not real, but it is the place where decisions can be made to change into reality.  A troubled mind takes truth but changes it, diluting truth into something  more comfortable - - Another Gospel.

Isaiah 21:4 My mind is wandering, fear has overtaken me - -   May we consider what is a wandering mind?   A mind that is confused and does not want to face up to truth so the mind leaves and seeks comfort usually in self pity thoughts.

A wandering mind can become confused and fearful of change.  A lazy mind is happy where it is at and does not desire to leave.  When faced with a decision, a wandering mind goes instead - - here and there searching for something to cheer them up (often with entertainment, food, drink, drugs, or sex).   The Bible speaks of being weak minded as being afraid to face truth and accepting replacement ideas instead of Godly views.

God is in the business of changing minds that are REPROBATE, minds that are Confused, Feeble, Discouraged, Sick, ILL, and Have Given Up.

What is a Reprobate Mind?  First of all, it is a mind given over voluntarily to lust of all kinds such as:   Homosexuality, perversion, pornography, adultery.   Once given permission, the devil has taken his evil fingers and placed them inside the mind and twisted and perverted it to become something that it was not before.   To effect a change for this situation there must first be a desire to change, and a willingness to allow the finger of God to unwind the mind back to its normal stance.  God can take a corrupt mind and reverse it - - making it new.

The healing power of the Holy Spirit can and will change disabled minds that seem not to be able to focus on the things of God. 

God desires to correct Those minds that cannot pay attention, to restore to a right mind those who are mentally off balance.  God desires to quicken and make alive those minds that are deformed and not fully developed and change them into a normal and right mind.

The Bible gives us instruction about our minds and our thoughts. 
Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Instead of Fantasizing, as we pray over our city, may we FOCUS and keep our eyes on Jesus and his desire to restore to right minds all those who wander in their familiar and comfortable darkness.

Today let us speak to troubled, wandering confused minds in our city and charge them to allow the Holy Spirit to make corrections for the better.

I speak to Reprobate minds in our city, to understand that Jesus loves you and desires you to come to Him for change.  I speak to undeveloped minds those with attention deficient problems and unreal obsessive thoughts to come into conformity of God's will for your life.

I speak to minds that seem to be hard and settled in cement and not willing to change, that they shall be softened and made pliable and ready to do God's will. 

May there be willing minds to follow Jesus and the Good plans He has for his children.

In the name of Jesus I speak against negativity in all it's forms and call into existence the positive right mind of Christ that Jesus desires that we have in us - - the very mind of Christ.

Thank you Father that you are now working in our citizens and in our own minds to bring us to a place where you desire us all to be and to become - - One with You in Spirit and in Truth and in a Right Mind.

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