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Thursday, May 3, 2018

Seek the Giver of Gifts

From my notes I present an edited sermon as Pastor Allan ministered - -

Jesus offers Gifts to the Church

Jesus Gives to the Church - - The Holy Spirit gives to the believer. - - We activate the gifts so we can minister for the benefit of all.
Do not squelch the gifts or be put off by criticism of those who are not in the "know."  The body of Christ can be crippled by ignorant judging and empty words.  Persons with empty soul and empty spirits will judge what they have never personally experienced.  Do not be afraid of those who don't understand the deep things of God. 
God has set offices in the body that will bless and not condemn.  There is this thing called government.  God sets workers to complement and complete the body.
We no longer operate in the 'flesh,' but we operate in the supernatural.
Do not fear to "activate" as God prompts you.  Don't limit to these four walls but take the gifts out to your neighborhood.  Share your testimonies to inspire and encourage others.
It is time to change our mindset to include God at work through his anointed believers.  Something strange is happening in our city.  Be a part and become equipped and then activate your gifts. 
Believers Power driven by the Holy Spirit will change their world.
Ephesians 4:1 I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called.  - -
We are to walk worthy of our calling and to keep in unity.  When you begin to be used of God, do not get puffed up and proud but know it is not you but JESUS doing the works.
Can you be trusted to give the glory to Jesus?   
Be obedient and be a part and volunteer where needed.  No more excuses.
Often when people get a "title" it goes to their head and is sugar coated.  This is not what God means when he says "I have chosen you and called you."
Ephesians 4:8  - Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men.
Hang out with those who are operating in the gifts.  Jesus gave governing Gifts for the perfecting of the saints;  assigning a Five Fold gifting to the Body:
Ephesians 4:11 So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.
Most churches operate a three fold gifted ministry:  Pastor, Evangelist (missionary) Teacher.  They chose to eliminate Apostles and Prophets because of fear.  This creates damage to the church.
What is Apostolic covering?  It is staying close to the teachings and working of the New Testament believers after Pentecost.
It may seem weird if you have not studied and learned what is available to believers. 
 Prophetic people are interesting.  When they move in their gift and are praying for someone - - God may be revealing to them the secrets of men. This is not to share publicly, but to help the individual obtain freedom and healing.
Beware of those who operate outside the scriptures such as physics, fortune tellers, TM, New Age and the like.  The Bible warns us not to seek after familiar spirits and those who operate as enchanters, witches, wizards, as they are powered by false gods.
Balance is needed in the church to include all five gifts that Jesus gave us:  Apostles, Prophets,  Pastors, Evangelists and Teachers.  Be willing to active your gift.
There is a break through in the atmosphere as we prepare, equip, activate and obey to go out and share God's love.
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Pastor called to the front about ten church leaders, and said, those who desire prayer, please come and these prophets, evangelists, and teachers with pray for you.  Many came and God moved mightily.

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