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Wednesday, May 2, 2018

"Chance" Encounters" by Hazel Moon


This post is from a lesson given at our meeting "Praying Over our City." 

We make our plans for things we desire to do, and then we worry about our plans.  Jesus often urged us not to fret, worry, or be fearful. 

James says it this way: 4:13,14 Now listen, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money."  Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.

A vapor causes me to think of sweet smelling incense.  We do not have a promise of tomorrow, so it is important that our lives exude the sweet fragrance of Jesus. 

Have you ever happened upon someone - - perhaps you knew a long time ago, and suddenly you meet again?  Often it is a God encounter so we must pay attention. 

My husband and I arrived in Broken Arrow OK, in 1976 in the early summer planning to attend Rhema Bible College in the fall.  Needing something to do, we had flyers printed saying, "Roof repairs"  give us a call us at - - and listed our phone number.  I volunteered to go door to door in our neighborhood and knock on doors and leave a brochure with who ever answered.  I had only gone a few houses when the gentleman who answered the door said, "I know you. We went to the same church in Oakland, California."  I took a closer look at the gentleman and knew immediately who he was.  Almost in tears he told me his wife wanted a divorce and had met someone else where she worked.  I asked if they had been attending church, and the answer was; no they were both far from God. 

Years ago, this couple left our church in California, when they decided to purchase a house, and said they could no longer afford to tithe from their income.  Our deacons visited them and urged them 'Don't let that be a reason not to attend church,' but they refused to listen and said "NO they were leaving the church, our minds are made up."  Fast forward from CA to OK.   I told the gentleman, I will pray for you, but the best thing you can do for yourself and your children is to decide now - - to get back in church and serve Jesus.  He knew Jesus had sent me that day to confront him.  I gave him the names of two Full Gospel churches, and after praying for him - - I left.  Now he was faced with a decision only he could make.

Acts 6:  We don't know a lot about Philip the Evangelist, but he must have been in the upper room on the day of Pentecost because when he preached, miracles happened.  Philip was one of seven men appointed by the apostles to oversee distribution of food, so the apostles would not be distracted from preaching. 
He was active in the food ministry; but one day an angel told him to go south to the road between Jerusalem and Gaza.  Not understanding fully, Philip obeys and sees a royal looking eunuch riding in a chariot and reading aloud from the scriptures.  He is returning to Ethiopia after worshiping at the Jewish temple.

Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Philip obediently overcomes any social reticence, approaches the chariot, walks briskly alongside and engages the eunuch in conversation regarding his reading in the book of  Isaiah.   "Do you understand what you are reading?"

The eunuch asks, "Is the prophet talking about himself or someone else?"  The eunuch admits his need to understand.  Having a teachable spirit is the first step to achieving knowledge of salvation.

Philip explains the prophesy and points the man to Jesus as the Messiah; revealing His life, death and resurrection.  The Eunuch requests to be baptized in water that is near by.  As soon as the baptism is over, the Holy spirit transports (Holy Spirit Air Lift) Philip to the city of Azotus where Philips preaches and ministers about Jesus. 

As we pray over our cities, there are many citizens waiting for an encounter with Jesus.  Perhaps you are the one who will bring them the answer from the Scriptures.  God is NOT willing that any should perish, but that all should receive Jesus as their personal savior.  Some have been running from God because they thought certain decisions they made has caused them to be NO longer loved by God.  God's love is unconditional.

Jeremiah 31:3 “The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying: I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness. 

You are reading this today by a God encounter.  Jesus is asking, will you give your life to me and serve me all the days of your life?  Just say yes to Jesus today and HE will encounter YOU with his Love and His peace.



  1. I love this story. There are no coincidences. So wonderful that you get to be the heart and mouth of God, sister.

  2. Hello Aunt Hazel. Yes Its solely our decision to make.
    Yes it is chance encounter and I'm grateful for having this opportunity.
    Blessings to you Aunt Hazel


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