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Monday, December 19, 2016


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My True Story  - -  Growing up in the Big City

Most of my childhood was in the big city of Oakland, California, but the city was divided into smaller districts.  Each district had their own "coffee shop" with the regulars, a bank, a post office, a movie house, a drug store, a couple of named grocery stores, a bakery, a chiropractor, and some business shops such as an insurance agent, and a shoe repair shop.   

These districts existed like a small town and were an island to many.  Every thing near our home was within walking distance including two Mom and Pop small stores close by.   At the coffee shop we could order a fountain coke and ask for vanilla or other flavors.  Our fast food restaurant was a Casper’s Hot Dog place.   A public library was also near by. 

We also had a cow boy of sorts.  He was a young man who always wore a cowboy hat while he rode his bicycle.  I think he was what you might call a bit "slow."  Not retarded, just a bit slow.  Each neighbor hood had their characters too, and our cow boy was one of them. 

Our city had an excellent bus system with a transfer method that allowed you to change to another bus without paying extra.   

There is safety in numbers and as children we did all our bus riding with my brother my sister and usually a couple of other friends. 

We learned to navigate through our metropolis to down town shopping, to Lake Merritt to the museum, to go ice skating, or go to the Hayward plunge swimming pool.  The ride to the pool required an extra fare when we reached a point where different cities met. 

The streets were laid out in neat blocks, and at times we just took long walks.  Mother would go with us when we hiked to Mill’s College, and to the hills behind it.   

Our earthly city was a wonderful place to grow up, and to later find work there.  A place to attend church, meet friends, to eventually marry and raise our own family within its borders.  

I was thinking about the lay out of heaven today, and remembering that the Bible tells us that the streets are of purest gold, and as you look through the gold you can see the foundation which is made of precious jewels.  The gates are made of pearls, and there is a tree of life that all those in heaven may partake of. 

The plain truth is that no city on earth regardless of its beauty or charm can compare with the magnificence of heaven.  

I do hope you have made your reservation early, so that Heaven will be your final home.   

You do understand that the decision must be made while here on earth, because if you wait too long, it will be too late.
~ ~ ~

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  1. A good word in season, Hazel! It sounds like you grew up in an interesting time, a trusting time for sure. You describe a lovely setting to inhabit but an even lovelier place to dwell forever and ever!

  2. I remember this one. How true; regardless of how nice a city is, it can't begin to compare with what awaits the ones who've committed their souls. Our true home awaits us!

    Love that stroll through your childhood town.


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