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Monday, December 26, 2016

Tell Me a True Story - Week of 12/26/16

Reading a True Story to Sister
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Can You Tell me Who ??
Can You Tell Me Who? - - -  (My True Story)

As a young mother, I was surprised when my telephone rang and a radio station identified themselves as a quiz program; explained what the call was about, asked my name and requested for me to hold for a moment.   

The Master of Ceremonies was chipper as he came on and told me that there was a nice prize available if I could correctly answer the question - - he paused then asked. 

Who was Abraham Lincoln’s Secretary of War? 
History was something I studied for the test, and then promptly forgot about it.  Had I been a current school girl with studies about the Government, I probably would have remembered the name, but instead I mumbled, I am sorry but I don’t know the answer.  

The MC acknowledged his sorrow, but said that as an alternative for the nice prize, the advertiser was sending me some free samples of their product in the mail.   

If only I had thought to give my maiden name, I would have won the grand prize.  The answer was Edwin Stanton.  That name Stanton had actually crossed my mind, but I considered it not a good answer, brushed it off and lost by not paying attention to recall and the inward voice of the Holy Spirit. 

Often a hunch will give good direction when you listen to it.  Actually I prefer not to call it a hunch or a premonition, but I believe God speaks to us in that still small voice giving insight when we will stop and tune in. 

Actually the prize I might have won was not that great!   
Can you remember being disappointed at the prize in the Cracker Jack box? 

Paul reminded us to strive for the grand prize of heaven which will be presented to all who finish their race.  We will NOT be disappointed with our reward.

2 Timothy 4:8  Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.
~ ~ ~ 

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1 comment:

  1. My daughter is visiting for Christmas; she washed her clothes and noticed that the dryer seemed sluggish. The woman lives by the Spirit and placed her hands on the dryer and prayed. She saw an accumulation stuck and told her dad. He checked outside and thought it was operating okay, but when he took it all apart, a huge mass was stuck in the flexible duct filling up half of my trash can! It pays to live by the spirit of God! He is more than willing to help us out.


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