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Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Pruning the Vine

                   This post is digested from my notes during our Sunday Bible Study

So That You Will Bear Much Fruit

Our Bible lesson was from John 15, and we were considering the Vine and the branches. 

We also considered trees that produce fruit such as the olive tree that brings us olive oil used for healing, anointing as well as cooking.  

Then there is the almond and walnut trees which are harvested by using machinery to shake the tree causing the nuts to be collected. 

This shaking at times may seem violent to the tree, and as we apply it spiritually, we at times are shaken so that we will produce fruit.

The husbandman prunes the vines, carefully taking away the dead branches so that fruit will blossom and grow bountifully.  

We liken the cutting away to our selves as God trims us of attitudes, habits, wrong thinking and false teaching so that we may prosper.

Are you willing to allow God to prune away selfish pride?  Are you agreeable to release Man's plans and error that we may have picked up?  Are you willing to accept flat truth, and not tainted by opinions of others?

The vine has good roots that go deep, and it is fed by the living water and the warmth of the son/sun.

Jesus said, you are clean through the word, and IF you abide in me, you shall ask what ever you will and I will do it for you.  The big question is; "If you abide?"

The Father gave authority to Jesus and Jesus gives authority to us.  Go forth and produce.

Jesus walked in the Glory because he met early each day with the Father and soaked in His presence. 

Jesus promised, 'I will give you another comforter and He may abide with you forever.  I will not leave you comfortless.

Jesus said, all things the Father has, are also mine.  The Holy Spirit shall take of mine and show it to you.  The Holy Spirit will reveal truth to you as you are open to his will.

We are reminded that Jesus was hated without a cause, and at times we might be criticized, or made fun of.

Keep your eyes on Jesus, and understand there is nothing that can separate you from his Love and His care.

1 comment:

  1. The pruning process is painful, but necessary to come to wisdom from God.

    I have to be reminded that this is all temporary and so is the pain and sorrow. Joy is on the other side!


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