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Monday, July 30, 2018

Discernment is Necessary

This post is from my Notes taken while our Pastor preached at our Church on Sunday

There are some things you have always done it that way, and you are sure it is in the Bible.  We have the right to change our mind about wrong teaching, or silly rules.
Religion is tradition without power. 

As we consider the Lord's Supper, Jesus said; "Do this in remembrance of me."  Jesus came not to destroy the law, but to fulfill it.

As often as you do this, consider my body and my blood.  How often was not stated.  Many churches serve communion on the first Sunday of the month, while others serve communion every time they meet. 

Here at Open Door, we serve communion at no particular set time.  Then in our Bible Study Class, our teacher has been serving to the members every week.  

How often is not the question, but the important thing is to discern the body of Christ as you eat the bread, and to consider his blood as you drink of the cup.  Discern and Examine your heart and make sure you are right with God before you partake of the Lord's Supper.

Jesus took our sins, infirmities and diseases on His body on the tree, and we need to remember how he suffered as they crucified him.

Jesus kept saying, remember how I walked with you, and remember my words. 
It is not just a cracker, or bread we hold, but it is the broken body and the blood of Christ as we partake of it.

It become part of us; body and spirit.  Communion is not an after thought, but we do this in remembrance, contemplating and consider all that Jesus did at His expense and to cover us with His blood.

The Law required an innocent lamb to be slain for sin.

Jesus suffered and died for our justification to give us His righteousness.  You are Holy and in right standing with God.

Tradition becomes burdensome and a meaningless ritual.  What determines your salvation?  Not tradition, but opening up your heart to receive Jesus.

Think about it.  Consider and accept his body and blood to become part of your flesh and your spirit.  

His body was broken for me.  The Life is in the Blood, and His Blood has set me free.

Thank you Jesus for your sacrifice of your broken body and your shed blood.

1 comment:

  1. Amen... tradition is one thing, but honoring God's words is another.


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