Pages of Interest

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Strength Come

There I was working on my lesson for Wednesday and my black ink ran dry.  I needed to print the hand outs for our prayer meeting the next day; and as I went to change the ink in my computer, all I had was colored ink and no black.  What to do?  So I loaded up my dogs and we drove to Wal-Mart as they now sell ink.

While shopping, I noticed a young Asian couple and the wife was carrying their baby. Suddenly she began to buckle up and fall, as the gentleman grabbed the baby. A woman near by, took the child from him so he could attend to his wife on the floor.

I stopped to watch and really didn't gather all my wits about me except - - - I slowly and quietly moved over to where she lay, and placed my hand on her bended knee, and spoke; "Strength Come." 

Soon she was able to sit but I told her husband not to get her up too quick because she needed some time to recover herself and rest a bit. 

Then I went on.  Now pay attention for this is a lesson for you on how our Enemy comes to bring condemnation telling you that you did not do enough, and you could have done more. - -

While I was driving home, Satan, planted thoughts in my mind: "She needed something to eat and you had soda crackers in your purse, saved from last time you had soup with Ruby.  You should have seen that she got a drink of water." 

That was true, I did have crackers in my purse, but at the time they were far from my mind, and I did not consider giving her water at the time.
Yes, all that was true, but even though the devil is a liar, he can use truth to beat you over the head. 

I did NOT need to repent, because I did what I was led to do at the time, and I believe I did the right thing. So I am at peace. However, I do trust she is doing okay now.

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