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Friday, April 20, 2018


Our lesson given at our meeting to Pray over our City.


So often it is easier to preach and teach about Love, our Relationships with God and others, and the Doing of Good Works.  Perhaps it would definitely be of great value to weave some of these more unpopular subjects into sermons and later enlarged upon them. 

The following topics are seldom heard from the pulpit except possibly at an in-depth Bible Study.    

1.     Fasting (while seeking God in Prayer; Doing with out food, but not without water)  Begin with one meal, then with a day and work up to a 3 day, then a week; fasting food but drinking at least 6 to 8 glasses of water throughout the day. (If you are diabetic, you can drink a small glass of fresh juice to replace your meals and snacks but also drink plenty of water.)

2.     Tithing at least 10% of ones income.  (Prove me says God, and I will open the windows of heaven to bless you.)  We must be blessed first before we can bless others.

3.     Holy Spirit and using the gift of Tongues (your prayer language)  (Using your gift of tongues: you are Praying the will of God)  Some who are baptized in the Holy Spirit do not speak in tongues initially. Actually they could if they would, but they are bound by pride and fear.  Later in private worship they learn to release their gift. 

4.     Healing (Mind, body and soul)  (Mental, physical and attitudes)

5.     The Blood of Jesus (power of the blood for salvation, deliverance and protection) The blood of Jesus was spilt to wash away our sins and to redeem us from destruction.  The blood continues to protect us when applied spiritually over us and our families.

6.     The Name of Jesus  People prefer to speak about “God” and hesitate to include the name Jesus in their conversation about God.  We need to hold the name of Jesus dear and remember there is power in His Name JESUS.

7.     Deliverance (Complete Liberation, Emancipation and Change once and for all) (Usually a declaration of denouncing for the born again believer who is struggling with their personal demons.)

All of the above must be placed into practice before we can see a revival in our city.  Once we practice these, it will enhance and empower our LOVE, our RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD AND OTHERS, and our GOOD WORKS. 

The thought of Fasting for most Christians is unpopular:  Jesus said in Mark 29:9 And He said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting.  (The popular various Bible translations omit the words “And Fasting.” The scripture includes Fasting in Matthew 17:21 And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting.

HOLY SPIRIT: Many churches are happy to speak of the: Fruit” of the Holy Spirit, and may give mention to the gifts to the "church:" Apostles, prophets, evangelists; pastors and teachers; and skim over the spiritual gifts to the body in 1 Corinthians chapter 12.  The major gift they avoid and do not want to embrace is tongues and using tongues as a prayer language because this is offensive to some.

Healing:  In many churches Healing is mentioned in prayer requests, but most churches fail to anoint with oil, practice the laying on of hands, and believe that a miracle will occur.  

The name of Jesus and the Blood of Jesus should be used in our declarations to bind the powers of darkness. 

If we are seriously going to exercise deliverance over the works of the devil, we must return to the first unpopular subject which is fasting.   

God desires to bring to our city a Revolution of Revelation of the “Full Gospel.”   

Jesus died to save man kind when they come to Him in true repentance. 
As we pray over our city, let us renew our personal choices to invoke these weapons available to us so we can experience dynamic results in the power of the Holy Spirit.


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