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Sunday, April 15, 2018

Easter Never Ends

Mark 4:37 And there arose a great storm
 and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full.
But Jesus spoke and said, Peace Be Still! 
Easter Never Ends

My praises swiftly rise to thee,
Like the sea billows rolled,
For Christ alone is worthy!
Let praises ring out as a bell is tolled.

He is worthy to be praised,
A Lamb sinless was slain,
In fear and wonder I am amazed,
He is not dead for he rose again.

Some find it difficult to believe,
How can one raise from the dead?
We question and wonder how?
The answers are not in our head!

It is with our hearts that we believe,
Our changed lives let it be known,
Truth must in the spirit be received,
A New life walks among us to be shown.

We see him - - He is everywhere,
Christ Jesus lives today,
Never to doubt or despair
He lives in me and guides along the way.

Hazel Moon 04/15/2012

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