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Thursday, March 29, 2018

Scattered Sheep

Scattered Sheep

Our Bible Study began with taking communion together.  Before each member was a small dinner roll and a glass of grape juice and the reading of Jesus saying this is my body and my blood, as often as you do this, take in remembrance of me.  Other scriptures were read by class members about the body and Blood as we partook.  Then together we prayed the Lords prayer.

Genesis 47:3  When Joseph brought his father and brothers to Egypt, the pharaoh asked, “What is your occupation?”  They answered, “We are shepherds.” 

Because the people worshiped idols and served other gods, Jehovah God was angry saying even the shepherds and animals would suffer loss.

Jeremiah 22:18-23  The wind will drive all your shepherds away, and your allies will go into exile.” (This is God’s epitaph on Jehoiakim son of Josiah king of Judah: “Doom to this man! Nobody will shed tears over him, ‘Poor, poor brother!’)

Jeremiah prophesies against Babylon and the surrounding nations: Jeremiah 50:1-4  The land will lay waste. No one will live in it; both people and animals will flee away.

Our mind fights with our heart.  Self will and rebellion within us, desire to do our own thing.  To find peace, it is important to surrender to God’s will.  Cast all your care on Him and He will bring you out to a place of rest.

We are chastised when we do not follow through with obedience to what God is saying.

Each time the Children of Israel left God for other gods, and made onto themselves idols and images to worship – soon after they were taken into captivity.  Their fields ceased to produce and their sheep and cattle did not multiply. 

They were indeed broken and bleeding and in need of a shepherd.  Judgment followed their rebellion, and Israel was as scattered sheep deserted by their shepherd.

When repentance comes, God will avenge against those who come against you.

The children of Israel were oppressed in Egypt and supernaturally were delivered and told to serve the God who delivered them.

Moses appeared on the mountain to hear God and receive directions for a good life.  Turning from these “laws” would bring “Curses” and opposite of the blessings. 

The class was asked, “How are you “ministering” support and influence to encourage and disciple others?  How do you mentor your friends and family?  There was a time of sharing as each person was able to say a few words to encourage the members.

Each person is different and many times your influence is not known by you.  Understand that your example reaches far and leave the results to God.  It is not good to keep a list of your triumphs.  Allow God to keep the records. 

Why is it so important to be noticed by people?  Often achieving popularity becomes your reward.  It is best to know that God is watching you and He is please with your behavior.

God knows your name and it is important to learn the names of those you work with or attend church with.  Speak encouraging words to others using their name as you speak.


1 comment:

  1. Encouraging post, Hazel. It is a fight of the flesh in pride. Humility is beautiful and the only way to come into the presence of our Maker.


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