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Saturday, March 3, 2018

Prophets Old and NEW

Edited from the Lesson during the praying over our city.

I just returned from a Prophetic Conference at Bethel, Redding, California, and at our meeting "Praying Over our City," I gave a short review:

One of the speakers reminded us that Super Natural is not Super Weirdo, but Natural to the Spiritual Person. And we are SPIRIT, live in a body and have a Soul.   God speaks to us in our spirit but often it seems like it is our own thoughts.
The prophets in the Old Testament often warned but they also could ‘see’ into the future and would tell what would happen.  Samuel saw Saul’s lost donkeys and told him they were safe. Many times their message was full of gloom and doom. 

New Testaments prophets are to speak positive good words of what is in the heart of God as they listen to His voice.
Jesus is still speaking today, even though He is in heaven.  Of course He speaks through the Word, but today more and more Jesus speaks to the Believer in their inner person by His Holy Spirit; guiding, comforting, directing. 
Peter is preaching:  Acts 3:21-22 God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began.  For Moses truly said unto the fathers, A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me; him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you. 
(Notice at the time Peter is preaching this, Jesus is in heaven doing all His speaking from there to the listening spiritual ears of believers.)
Hebrews 1:1-2  God, who at former times and in divers manners spoke unto the fathers by the prophets,  Has in these last days spoken unto us by His Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; 
(Again Jesus is speaking to us from heaven and we must prophesy the words He is saying to us.) 
Revelations 19:10 And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellow servant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the Testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
 We have at least 3 witnesses saying that the spirit of prophecy is the testimony (or words) from Jesus speaking from Heaven to your heart so you may share them at appointed times. 
God is rising up a Prophetic Culture of Believers who are learning to listen and then speak out the Heart of Jesus over situations.
I shared a bit about something interesting at the Prophetic conference.  A group of the students from the School of the supernatural were on the platform and were asked how they saw or heard before they would prophesy.
One young Asian woman said she loves numbers and the Lord often shows her numbers about a person as she illustrated. She gave 4 numbers and said it is part of an address and asked if it meant anything to anyone in the audience. A gentleman stood and said yes. She proceeded to give the street name and the man said, yes that is my church. She said, is your name Joshua, and he said yes. Each time, she gave praise to Jesus for telling her about this man. Then she prophesied that something was going on in his church, but The Lord was making it alright, and his ministry would grow and be blessed.
Actually this was a combination of two spiritual gifts. The word of Knowledge (knowing something you would not normally know.) and prophesy telling the person what God is willing for them to have in the future.
Then we had the lesson and something stirred within me. The name Edith came to my mind, and I asked if the name Edith meant anything to the ladies sitting there.  All seemed puzzled - - So nothing.  I said, “Well that was a test.” (Test for me to learn to obey.)  Awhile later one of the ladies said, “What if she was my friend, but she is now in heaven?” So we rejoiced that Edith is in heaven. I suggested we all need to learn to develop our listening and see what God will do in our midst.
After the meeting we dismissed, and I turned and started to re-enter the church because I thought I had forgot my bottle of water. I opened the door and Pastor Allan said, is there anything you need sister? I said, No, I thought I forgot my water, but the Lord just told me that I put it in my purse. Back to the car - - and sure enough there it was.
Learn to Listen to God's voice and go ahead and give God credit for telling you.

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