Pages of Interest

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Pressing In

Pressing In - - -
 Pastor Allan was ministering as I took notes and present an edited message.
“We need to seek God’s voice, to hear Him, and to understand what He is doing in our city.  The Unity in the community prayer meeting; to pray over Oroville, was a success.   

This is only the beginning.  The first step is the hardest.  It is important that we operate in love in these meeting with other churches.  We are there to agree together that our citizens will desire to open up room in their hearts for God.

Expose yourself to teachers and classes we offer.  Recognize the prophetic, the teacher and the Pastor each give us a different view of life.  We need the total view. 

Reading today from Mark chapter 5.  In this woman’s case she had exhausted her cash flow spending everything she had to get well.  She said within herself, “If I can only touch Him, I shall be whole.”  She pressed in and because of the crowd she was pushed to the ground.  However she reached out and touched the hem of His garment.  “Who touched me?” said Jesus.

We must get to the point where we don’t care what others say.  We need to pursue God and touch Jesus.  We must be willing to give up everything to reach Jesus.  We must realize our self effort is not working.  Are you willing to give your all?  Can you say? “I need you Jesus.”

This woman was out of solutions.  Her last resort was to touch Jesus.  According to the “Law,” she was considered untouchable.  She was banned from the temple, and had no spiritual life.  She had two other strikes against her; She was a woman, and she was a bleeder.  To her it mattered not, she must press on.

She heard about Jesus and she responded.  According to her faith, she was restored.  “Go in peace and be free from your affliction.”

Have you ever been discouraged, to the point of almost no hope?   Come to a place where you can experience the presence of God.  She entered into the presence and received.

When you enter here in this church, and feel His presence, reach out and touch the Lord.  God’s presence is also in our city. 

Everyone has a God story to tell.  I want to encourage you to reach out and share with others what God is doing for you.

We are hearing testimonies of people entering this building and being healed from long term suffering as the service is going on.

God is the God to change impossible situations.  You may think you are the least and are not worthy, but know that God’s opinion of you is different.  He is ready to clean up what society sees as dirty.  God is tidy and his arms are open to receive you.  We must reach out for what ever is our situation in life.  You are special and we all need Jesus.

“Why would God want me?” you might ask.  Because He loves everyone of us the same.  You are His favorite you. 

So many believe the lies of the enemy who wants to keep us deceived.

God is making Himself known in our city.  He desires to reveal Himself real to each of us. 

You know who you are.  No longer resist Jesus, but reach out, press in and receive.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for this encouragement ànd reminder.


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