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Tuesday, February 6, 2018

The Glory of God

From my notes I present a digested Sermon at our Church Sunday Morning

The Glory - Art courtesy Cindy Elsharouni
Pastor Allan was speaking and urging us to recognize that God has shown up today.  During worship God has met needs as individuals step to the altar, and some into the fellowship hall to be prayed for.  It is important to focus on the direction of the Holy Spirit and how He desires to go. 

No matter how much God has done for you, there is still twisted thinking about the goodness of God.  We must remind ourselves that nothing can separate us from God’s Love. 
At times we separate ourselves especially when we have a “Bad Day.”  We may argue and fight on the way to church, and when we arrive, we put on our church face. 
We must reconcile between the doing of service and our “feelings.”  It is time to separate all the “Stuff” that troubles us.  Posture yourself to enter into His presence and separate all else from your mind.  Focus on Jesus.  The veil was torn down that separated us from the Holy of Holies.  We may now boldly enter in.

We are soon entering into the Easter Season.  Every day we need to recognize Jesus not only died for us, but He is alive and He IS risen.

The Holy Spirit causes fear to leave.  It must go.  Do not fret and be willing to wait patiently.  Perfect love casts out fear.  Be free from all that which causes you to fear.

Commit and trust.  Psalms 37:5  Commit your way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.

People need to hear the gospel truth, because there are many needs for a miracle.  God wants to take care of our needs, what ever they are. 

As a church we must be flexible for God to heal during the service.  We have several testimonies of healing during today’s service.
We lay hands and expect Him to heal and make us whole.  We are NOT moved by what we see; if healing is not manifested immediately.  Many were healed by Jesus, as they went.

Jesus was anointed to do the works of God and He sends us to continue His works. 

Anointing is when God uses man or woman and the glory of God shows up.  We have to expect God to show up.  We declare we are in the Holy of Holies right now. 

Habakkuk saw that glory.  Habakkuk 1:1 The divine revelation that the prophet Habakkuk saw; And he was filled with the knowledge of the Lord.

Our city needs the “Glory of God.  If you are not in a relationship with God, then you won’t understand.  With Knowledge comes understanding that God’s glory is here.  Be aware of it. 

Question:  Did you “feel” the presence of God?  Some sense his presence differently.  He confirms His Word with signs following.

Even an unbeliever will recognize that God was there.  We see the miracle of salvation and that is awesome.  We need to change the way we talk with unbelief.  Know the Glory of God is real and can’t be denied.

It is important to “know Jesus,” and signs and wonders will come.

God appeared to the children of Israel as a consuming fire.  Moses entered the glory.

Exodus 24:16-18  The glory of the LORD rested on Mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it for six days; and on the seventh day He called to Moses from the midst of the cloud. And to the eyes of the sons of Israel the appearance of the glory of the LORD was like a consuming fire on the mountain top.  Moses entered the midst of the cloud as he went up to the mountain; and Moses was on the mountain forty days and forty nights.

God desires to show up today as he did on Mt Sinai.

Some enter our church and feel God’s presence so thick.  The reality is that God has taken up residence in the individuals and we carry it out to our neighborhoods.

The Pastor does not have to bare the responsibility of everything, because the Glory of God rests on the people who carry His glory.

Leviticus  9:24  And there came a fire out from before the LORD, and consumed upon the altar the burnt offering and the fat: which when all the people saw, they shouted, and fell on their faces.

At Pentecost there were tongues of “Fire” and the people became the sacrifice and the Holy spirit came down and consumed them.  They then carried the glory outside the room where they were assembled.

We could bring in some evangelists who walk in a heavy anointing, but we can partake of that now.  God is raising up prophets and evangelists in this house as we continue to be in His presence.

Step into the Glory of God and allow Him to consume you.  He will separate those things that are not necessary in your life.  The whole earth was filled with His presence . . . Lord cover our city, cover our State and cover our Nation with a fresh and new manifestation of God’s presence. 

Harvest is here.  God is calling people to Oroville.  He has declared this is His land.

Before you show up for church, posture your heart to be prepared to enter the Glory.  Each of us need to step out in faith and be obedient to the Holy Spirit.



  1. Powerful and inspiring. Praying for this entire land.

  2. Wow! I would have loved to have been in that service! I would surely have been one of the first to step forward for physical healing. It is wonderful that we can feel this kind of glory anywhere we are, though, because God's Spirit abides in us, individually, and His glory is poured out upon us, as we enter His presence with 100% submission and obedience. Thanks for sharing, Hazel.


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