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Sunday, February 18, 2018

The Blood Of Jesus


Our Sunday morning service was a bit different as our Bible Study Teacher Linda, had set up a small table in the front of the sanctuary, with lovely prayer shawl as a table cloth, a beautiful water pitcher, four small bowels, and a shallow rectangular bowl in the center. A purple cloth covered the front of the table. 
Linda spoke about the blood of Jesus and its power to bring life out of death.   She read the scripture admonishing leaders and ministers to be worthy to lead a people purchased by the Blood of Jesus.  

Acts 20:28  Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he has purchased with his own blood

1 Peter 2:9 admonishes us to realize;  You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own; that you should show forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light:

She spoke about Jesus being struck on the head, buffeted on the face and then beaten with 39 stripes, as his blood was poured out.  He was forced to carry his own cross to the hill where they would crucify him.  As he staggered His blood was spilled all over the city of Jerusalem.  The blood of Jesus has power to cleanse, to heal and to protect.

The early Priests would slay an innocent lamb and sprinkle the blood upon the people.  The Priests would have their ear and feet anointed with the blood.

Linda asked me to come forward and to dip my hands in the water and sprinkle seven (7) times on a map of our city lying on the table.  As I completed the seventh dipping and sprinkling of the water,  with tears in my eyes, the Holy Spirit had me turn and face the people and hold my hands over the congregation.  Linda thanked me and called for selected spiritual men to come forward and anoint the pastor on his ear and feet with the water.  Each gentleman was then given one of the small bowls with water, and they were to go through the congregation and sprinkle a bit of water on each person.

All this was to symbolize the power of the blood and a covering for sin.  The anointing was very strong all during this portion of the service. 

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About this time the lights went out and many came to the front and knelt or lay prospect as they prayed and worshipped Jesus.  Pastor went to see what was happening.  After a time Pastor came in with about 2 feet of metal wrapped with tape, and said this is a transformer that was held together with band aids. 
The problem has been corrected, but this reminds us that to have POWER with God, you must be properly connected.  Not patched together and barely held together.  We must have a personal relationship with Jesus. 

If we are not careful we justify our negligence of not walking a holy life, and we become deceived.

The Lord has laid it upon my heart about the Glory of God.  The Book of Acts is doable today.  Peter and John had walked by the crippled man in the past, but on that day they connected with the power and the miracle of the resurrection.  The Power of Life energized new life in the man’s body and he was healed.

The Psalmist reminds us that God knows me in all my ways.  Nothing can be hid from Him and he knows our thoughts and the imaginations of our heart.

Psalms 139:23 Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.

We can understand the Heart beat of God.

David faced the lion, and then the Giant, but he recognized that His God was powerful and granted him the power to overcome.  David acknowledged God was ever present to be with him.  David came in the Name of his God, as he faced the giant.

Understand that God is always present, when you are on the mountain top, or in the valley, He is there.  He has not forsaken you.  God is always going to be around. God knows your weakness and your strengths.  You can count on Him.  People may let you down, but God never will.  Come to church to get powered up, and then take it out with you.

Every one of us is special to God.  There is no sibling revelry.  You are God’s favorite. 

The power of the Blood of Jesus is shed abroad and reaches out to you.  It flows as a crimson river to cleanse and cover you.

A year ago we were evacuated.  Our leaders were scared, about the dam and the spillway.  The Sherriff was wise to be on the safe side.  We know what a flood can do as it washes away homes and cars in its wake.  God spared Oroville and we know God loves our city.

God is stretching out his arms right now.  Come to the front if you would like to pray.

1 comment:

  1. Such an amazing and powerful post, Hazel. What an anointed time to share with the body and pray and care for the people that God loves... even if they don't know Him and mock Him... for now.


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