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Monday, January 1, 2018

God's Plan for 2018

From my notes I present a digested sermon by Pastor Allan Sunday Morning.


The atmosphere at church was charged with the presence of God, and Pastor hesitated to pull away and begin preaching.
He began:  I don’t know about you, but 2017 for many of us, we experienced bad things; Sickness, death, fires, and threats of a flood and destruction.  But through it all, God was protecting, and keeping us in His care.
We try to figure out things for ourselves and maybe we would have done things differently, but we must enter a New Year with eyes wide open with NO regrets.
There were positive things too in 2017.  We were encouraged about the unity at the prayer service at the State Theatre. 
Our attitude is important as we enter 2018.   Know God has a good plan for you – A Hope in God.  He knows exactly His plans, but it is important to stay in His will.

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Psalms 50:15 Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I shall rescue you, and you will honor Me."
Understand that God always has YOU on His mind, for a good future, and that is good.
Jeremiah 33:3 Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.'
There are pressures, and we sometimes allow things in our life that should not be there.
God loves you and He desires you to be free from things that hinder you.
Psalms 145: 18-19 The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry and saves them.
This New Year, continue to have conversations with God.  He desires to prosper and bless you.  Realize it is the enemy who does not want God to bless you.
Learn to claim answers to your own prayers, and don’t depend on Grandma’s prayers.
God desires to bless you, but there are conditions.  Walk in His truth and in His Way.  Keep a tender heart and keep seeking God.
At Christmas time, we turned on the TV and there was a program about “Treasure seekers,” who have given all their fleshly life looking for what may or may not be there.
The truth is that the treasures of God are real and not fantasy.  His will is to bless and his plans are good.
Seek Him and know He wants to be found.  Your Heavenly Father knows you need certain things. 
Don’t worry about tomorrow, but seek first the Kingdom of God and all these other things will be added onto you.
One of my favorite things is to listen to others tell of the great things God has done for them.  Serving God is exciting, with out ever a dull moment.
Lastly I would encourage you to ask, “What can I do for God in 2018?  How much more can I give?  Pray for your neighbors even those in conflict with you.  Show God’s love to others.  You might not be able to change the world, but let God change you. 
Without Love all good works are simply nothing.  You are missing it if you are not ministering with love.
God loved us and gave us His Son.  Receive the fullness of His love.  All service to God in interlinked with love.
1.     God loves you and has a good plan for you.
2.     Operate in His will to know what his plan is.
3.     Go deeper in God, seek His face
4.     Love others.
You might say:  “You want me to go where?  To do what?  You want me to give up that?
If you really want a deeper level then we must be willing to obey.
But someone hurt my feelings !!   Honestly so was Jesus hurt, betrayed, beaten, criticized, but He did not allow his hurt to stop Him from fulfilling His destiny.
What is holding you back?  Are you willing to set it aside and step forward?
I encourage you to engage in prayer daily.
Realize God’s plan for you is Good.



  1. Ty Hazel, the first in our bible program Aiden and I are doing extra for this yr , and my favorite passage is Jeramiah 29:11 ��

  2. Hazel, so happy and thankful to hear you're still blogging to Share the good news! Happy 2018.


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