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Monday, January 30, 2017


Reading a True Story
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DOG DRIVER  (Please make a comment if you liked my True Story)

Blue Tick Hound Puppy
“Pull that truck up into this lane!  - - -
"I said - - pull that  #%*$#*&$#  truck over here!” 

The officer at the truck weigh station was cursing, yelling and pointing as he hollered directions at our U-Haul truck.

Robert had left the truck and went into the small office to explain why his travel papers were missing.  The permit had been left in error at the last truck weighing stop. 

The man inside was satisfied, and gave Robert a special letter of permission to continue on our journey back to California.

Robert sauntered out to the truck and entered the driver’s side.  He motioned for our old hound dog who was riding with him, to move over and give him room. 

Slowly he pulled forward and the man directing traffic realized that our hound dog with the long floppy ears had been mistaken for a man with an aviator helmet on his head. 

They both had a good laugh out of that.  Now consider this - - -

Did you ever take a quick glance at a situation and make up your mind and then discover later that what you thought you saw was not that at all?

Some call that jumping to conclusions, and others say it is making quick judgments without knowing all the facts.

That often happens to me when I go bargain shopping and discover a better deal elsewhere after I have already made my purchase.

When it comes to heaven, I am glad I am not on the jury deciding the verdict of many people who I may consider to be ungodly.

It is said; when we get to heaven we may be surprised to find some who we judged as sinners, actually made it and they may look at us and wonder how we got in.
~ ~ ~ 

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  1. I am parked right outside my home considering the grasses and the earth which have seen it all!
    They may not be able to speak but they have tales to tell of the world and the secrets of sins it has seen.
    Dear Aunt Hazel, that reminded me of how the world is going to pass away. The time is near. May we be found with our garments white and pure and ready for the Lord.
    Hugs and blessings to you

  2. You got me this time...I had no idea where this story was going and then...slapping my make such a great point!

  3. Love that story! Because we've all done it!

    I also so believe that some of the folks that look the furthest from God are closer than some that look the part. Then again, only God can see the heart.

    I laughed at this because there have been times when a waiter or waitress has come up behind me and say, "Afternoon, ladies", then look like they seen a ghost when they see my mug!


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