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Monday, July 25, 2016

Tell Me a True Story Blog Party week of 07/25/16

Reading a True Story from the Bible
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Make a Vow to God - - To Read Your Bible Every Day

Christian Youth Camp is a Good Investment
It was summer time, and our church announced the opportunity for those 12 years and older to attend Christian Youth Camp at Lake Tahoe.   Because our dads both worked for the Southern Pacific rail road, they could obtain a free pass for me and my girl friend Gracie for the train ride from Oakland to Lake Tahoe.   From there to Zephyr Cove we would need to pay for a short bus ride.  Our youth sponsor was traveling with us and another young man from one of the other churches so we were well chaperoned.   

Gracie and I arrived tired but excited as we checked in and were assigned a cabin and beds.  The girl instructed us to keep our money with us and to watch our purses.  “No need to tempt anyone,” she said. 

The mornings were filled with breakfast and singing then a chapel service, and afternoons were free to hike or swim in the freezing cold lake.  I sent a letter home on Monday saying there was horse back riding available for $4.00 and by Wednesday I had a letter back from Mom with the money enclosed.  Gracie and I both took advantage of the horseback ride and the next day we had some sore legs, but we didn’t mind. 

The music at the camp was outstanding with guest singers and musicians who motivated and inspired us to serve and love our Lord.   

Naturally Gracie fell in love with the male soloist and I thought she was being silly.  He was agreeable to give her his autograph, and our Youth Sponsor told us to back off as he was happily married.  After all, we were 12 years old going on 13. 

Each night after the evening meal there was a moving and inspiring service with special missionary speakers.  We were encouraged to become the best Christian that we could be. 

One ultimatum that hit home to me was the importance of daily reading our Bible.  

The speaker challenged us. “If you are serious and determined to be the best Christian that you can be, then tell God that you will read at least one chapter from the Bible every day for the rest of your life.”  

That night I made a vow to do so, and I must say reading God’s word has kept me from a lot of trouble.   

The only time I failed to read my Bible was if I was so sick I could not lift my head to read.  Those times, I repeated scriptures I had memorized.

If you have children, or can sponsor a child to attend a Christian Youth Camp, may I suggest that it is an excellent investment? 
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  1. This is a great story. My children's lives changed from experiences in youth camps and missionary work. It is a great investment!

  2. Thanks Hazel for the link-up and the stories. Youth camp is certainly a great investment. It could change our world.

  3. Wow. What a great lesson to take with you and live out your entire life. What an inspiration this is! Too cool.


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