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Monday, July 4, 2016

Tell Me a True Story Blog Party week of 07/04/16

Reading a True Story
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The Fourth of July usually meant a family reunion at my folk's cabin in the Stanislaus Forest 

It was here that we would gather to celebrate our Freedom and Justice for all in the United States of America.   

My dad allowed us kids to invite our friends and, in later years, we also followed suit, allowing our children to bring their friends.   So with Mom and Dad, Aunts, Uncles and our five teens with three of their friends we were ready to celebrate the 4th of July. 

Old Aunt Emma came at the invitation of my mother’s sister.  She was a child at heart and enjoyed the festivities right along side all the young people.  The campfire, roasted hot dogs and marshmallows, singing and lighting sparklers for the holiday thrilled everyone!   

Aunt Emma loved the excitement!  As each sparkler was lit, she loudly exclaimed, “Whoopee Day!”   

Her enthusiasm spilled over to our teenagers who echoed her gleeful cry as each sparkler was lifted in the air.  Soon we all joined in with the phrase, “Whoopee Day!”  It became our “happy” word for the next year.  Aunt Emma’s youth was spent, but she enjoyed herself with child-like abandon!    

Tom, one of our youth group teens, seemed to get a kick out of Aunt Emma!  Perhaps she reminded him of his own grandmother.  Tom demonstrated his own free-spirit and his attentions soon centered on one of my daughter’s friends. 
The next day, we spied our daughter's friend up a tree with Tom climbing up after her, throwing leaves and pine cones.  She yelled at him, “You are crazy,” and he returned the compliment with like words.  His playfulness soon compelled her. 

Youthful exuberance!   Whoopee Day!  That was the way they met!  Their friendship continued with church as their base for building their relationship. That friendship led to marriage, and decades later they are proud grandparents, enjoying their retirement. 

Now some might say that this was an extraordinary way to meet someone and find a mate!  Perhaps it was! 

If you are single and desire to find a loving, faithful and trustworthy companion with marriage in mind, do consider attending a good church that has other single persons who love God, and want to follow Jesus.  If you are widowed or divorced, join a church singles group.  Small groups are where you meet people.   

If you don’t put limits on God, He can meet this need and help you enjoy life right where you are.  Trust Him, in whatever situation you find yourself.

Whether it is your habit to praise God with words such as Hallelujah, Praise the Lord, or Thank you Jesus, it might be in order to once in a while shout “Whoopee Day” for This is the day that the LORD has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it.  Psalms 118:24 
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  1. I am glad it went well, Whooppie day ! Thank you for thus fun read.

    Blessings to you Aunt Hazel

  2. Love this. Every day is a "whoopee day" in Him. Thanks for the link-up.

  3. I love your stories, Hazel! This one was precious. I think your practical advice is well-spoken. Both of my sons met their wives through groups at church. I think it provides a meeting ground with other believers. And, of course, the small group is a wonderful support system for facing life together.

    And I've just got to say that I love Aunt Emma's spirit. I'm going to have to start saying, "Whoopee Day!"


  4. Your story is delightful. A great way to meet people is church activities. The loneliness melts away!

  5. What a great story. It's amazing how strong the relationships are that are founded in the families that know our Father. This is my prayer for future generations.


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