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Monday, May 23, 2016

Tell Me a True Story Blog Party Week of 05/23/16

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Birthdays and Unusual Celebrations 

Thinking back I remember my first Birthday party.  It was on my tenth birthday my mother allowed me to invite a few friends from school for a party.  Mother set it up in our back yard, with my small table, and we had a picnic while we played “pin the tail on the donkey,” and enjoyed cake and punch.” 

My last party was when I hit the big 40.  My children and my parents were there and we all celebrated this milestone in my life. 

I have done some unusual things on several of my birthdays.  

It just so happened that one year my birthday fell on my day to volunteer at the Rescue Mission Thrift Shop in old Down Town Oakland.  My sister came down to wish me a Happy Birthday, and she exclaimed, “What a way to celebrate your birthday.” 

Many years ago now, my dad had been in the Chico hospital with kidney failure.  He did not live to return to his earthly home.  It just so turned out that the most convenient day for his funeral happened to be on my birthday!  Mother had too much on her mind, and I think it was much later that she realized this was no way to celebrate my birthday!! 

My husband is not one for cards and gifts, but he did send me the following e-mail on the day just prior to my Birthday May 22, and I share it with you.   


Almost eighty five and still going, it doesn’t get much better than that.  Eighty five is a pretty big number and you have spent three fourths of it with me.  We were young and I think we chose well. I can't imagine ever being with someone else.  I want to thank you for our life together all these years, you have been a good wife to me and I look forward to finishing our lives together however long it may be.  I have, I do, and I will love you only.     I love you.  Bobby Ray Moon 
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  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, dear Hazel! What a beautiful note your husband gave to you! You are abundantly blessed. May God bless you both to spend many more birthdays together.

  2. Happy Birthday, Hazel. You are a very young 85! Thank you for letting us know it is your birthday so that we can celebrate you!

    “You crown the year with your bounty; your wagon tracks overflow with abundance.” Ps 65:11 (ESV)

  3. Hazel, Happy Birthday, Friend! I hope you had a very wonderful day full of many blessings. Thank you so much for sharing your day with us here. What a sweet letter from your husband, I can see why you wanted to share it with us here. How precious the love between the two of you is. Thanks for hosting a great milestone with us. Have a wonderful rest of your week.

  4. Oh Hazel, what precious words from Robert! I love your love story! Happiest Birthday, dear friend. I hope that even if you didn't have a party, that you were celebrated and know how very special you are. To your family, and to all of us here in Blog Land who have the privilege and pleasure of knowing you!

    You're kind of my hero!!


  5. The happiest and most wonderful of birthdays to you, my dear Hazel! And that sweet letter of your beloved? It's just so beautiful! Your love and marriage spire me.

  6. Happy Birthday to you! What a precious note from your best friend. Blessings!

  7. Thank you so much for the link-up. Happy Birthday.

  8. Happy Birthday, Hazel!!! Thank you for sharing the beautiful note from your husband. I hope your day was filled with much joy. You have truly blessed and encouraged me. Grateful our paths crossed!

  9. Aw. That's such a heartfelt message. Happy birthday! Thanks for spreading love and positive vibes on your posts.

  10. Hi Hazel, I love the email at the end, so sweet. I hope my hubby's sentiments are as sweet when, God-willing, we reach that milestone! Great story
    God bless

  11. Oh, man... what a great Birthday present!!! That one has to be the top. What a blessing to be cherished by your husband and Father. You are blessed, sister. Thanks for sharing this.


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