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Monday, February 1, 2016


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Letting Go of Stuff  - a True Story

It is amazing when we read the stories written by others that our own memories are resurrected with yet another story for we thought we had already told it all. 

Some time back an entry by Sharon Sharing God told about her dream.  In the dream she discovered a lot of her “Stuff” that she had given away was discarded and ready to be buried.  She wondered why they had not valued her stuff !  (Be sure to Click on the red words above to view Sharon's awesome post.)

There are times when it is necessary to clean out our garage, closets, attic and give to an organization or find someone who can use what you no longer need. 

Long ago, we purchased a white velvet couch and matching love seat that we enjoyed for many years.   

When we moved to our present mobile home, we decided to purchase a hide-a-bed and would no longer need the pair of living room furniture.   

A local Ministry was requesting furniture of any kind, so we donated our white velvet divan and love seat along with an office desk and chair. 

Some tell us when you contribute money, you lose the right to say how it will be spent, and I suppose it is the same with items donated to a good cause. 

Apparently what the group did was to hold a yard sale of the donated furniture to raise funds for their ongoing expenses. 

Time passed, and one day as I drove my car down one of the semi-main streets of town, there I spotted in the front yard of a small house our “White Velvet Love Seat,” with a FOR SALE sign on it. 

I knew it was OURS, and at first I was angry that the person was going to make a profit from our lovely seat. 

Then God spoke to me and said, “Let it go, it is no longer yours, but it is theirs, so they can do with it as they like.” 

Then I began to consider people I have known, witnessed to, and often helped in times past, and I realized that they belong to God and they did not really belong to me. 

Let them go, for they are in good hands. 

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  1. I imagine that did make you feel bad, at first, Hazel. But, so thankful you were able to let it go and move forward. The people may have been in need, perhaps, and only the dear Lord knows how much your generosity blessed others. :) Thank you for your faithfulness to the dear Lord and the weekly link-up! God bless you!

  2. Thanks, Hazel, for mentioning my blog post about *stuff*! I appreciate it! And as I was reading your story, it certainly brought back that nightmare - LOL! But I love the lesson that you learned when you gave your velvet couch away. I like how you thought about the people in our lives. Yes, it's hard to let go. But God is the One who loves them far more than we do. I find that the best thing I can do when I'm having trouble letting go is just to pray for them. Somehow my prayers help me place them in the arms of God.


  3. “Let it go." These are among my favorite words in this story, as they are a good reminder to me, that there is stuff in my life that I need to let go of too. Thank you for this reminder and for the chance to share and connect in the link-up. Wishing you a blessed week!

  4. I remember this one. Love it! Wise counsel, Hazel. We tend to get caught up in our own emotions and forget Who it is that really counts. Glad you're obedient and listening. Wonderful reminder. Thanks.


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